Mexico Workouts

>> Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I've posted two times with lots of photos from our trip to Mexico a few weeks back. (Here's the first post, and here's the second.) This post is a quick one about my workouts while we were there.

I had met with my podiatrist the week before going to Mexico (for my foot pain), so the plan was to just treat it normally for the few days before the trip and while on the trip, and then come home and put on the boot and start a steroid pack. So my week in Mexico was all lifting, with some snorkeling that I just had to count as a few hundred swim yards:

We were gone Sunday to Sunday - no workouts on those travel days.

• MONDAY: upper body (7 sets for everything!).

• TUESDAY: swimming off Ixtapa Island. Then some leg curls and extensions (nothing weight-bearing, so no presses or squats - per usual since October or November), and some easier PT legs.

• WEDNESDAY: upper body (6 sets for everything) and some core while my family napped later in the afternoon.

• THURSDAY: some PT legs in our room (during naps), then a bit more for legs in the weight room later.

• FRIDAY: upper body (5 sets for everything - a "lighter" day).

• SUNDAY: decent core and some PT legs.

Nearly 7 hours of strength work over 6 days while in Mexico isn't too bad.

My view from the pull-up bar toward the ocean one quiet morning. The workout
facilities are sort of on a 5-step terrace, and this is from the lowest one.

My wife running on the treadmill in the ACed cardio room.

Me SWEATING it out in the "open air" in front of my wife. I had THREE 600 ml bottles
of water during most workouts! (Remember, I was just lifting weights!)

A mid-workout flexing selfie in an ACed bathroom nearby.

My wife spinning on our last full day there.

Again, here's my first Mexico post, and here's the second if you missed them.


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