Icy/Slushy Run

>> Saturday, January 20, 2018

I took Charlie out for an easy stroller run on Friday morning. Thursday was FINALLY a nice day after quite a long deep freeze, so we had some melting. And it was just back below freezing on Friday morning, so I hoped the trail wouldn't be too slick.

Early on down the Greenway trail. I ended up
running a bit farther to the right in the bike lane.

Heading back in the bike lane.

My knee isn't 100%, but I've been told to train pretty "normally" this week (according to my Chiro's suggestion before seeing him again on Monday). I've realized it's maybe coming from my lower left hamstring - it's quite tight. Even though I'm supposed to train normally, I'm taking it easy on the strength work for my legs just to see if swim/bike/run is OK.

And because it's been nicer out, we've been playing in the snow in the evenings:

A little snow fort that Henry started and Mama helped to finish.

A loooooong Charlie. :)


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