First Snow Day for my Boys

>> Saturday, January 27, 2018

We were warned that snow was on it's way. On Monday morning, it started snowing. Then it came down REALLY hard all afternoon. Here's part of our hedge along the side of our house that shows where the wind was whipping through:

Snow blowing off on the left, but the right was blocked by the house
and the snow stuck. Quite a sharp line.

My wife ran home in the snow. Traffic was INSANE. We live just into St. Paul
from Minneapolis, and it took some of her co-workers 3 hours to get 5 miles
into St. Paul. Running through the blizzard was SMART!

Blowing off the driveway as it was still snowing at 8 pm.

Henry got out of school an hour early that day, and St. Paul Public Schools needed to start dismissing early but they didn't. Lots of kids (including our neighbor) didn't get off the bus until around 9 pm, and some were on the bus until midnight. It was nuts. Luckily, school was canceled the next day (for both Henry's school and Charlie's preschool). AND my wife didn't have to work. So we headed out sledding (after shoveling again):

I Instagrammed this photo with the caption "Snow day!"

Tromping through the golf course nearby on the way to the hill.

My wife pulling Charlie up while Henry walks on the left, and downtown MPLS on the right.

Bundled up Charlie.

The view from the bottom as more families got there.

Ready for a run.

After a "fluffy" run with Daddy.

Golf course snow angels.

Headed home with a tired Charlie. SIDENOTE: I have
a video on Instagram from a half mile later of Charlie still being pulled like this.

Finding big snow piles on the way home.

Trees with tons of snow.

Getting closer to home, now pulling both boys.

That night, the boys finished their "igloo" in a pile of snow in our side yard.
They are BOTH in there. And they fit easily.
I was impressed. (Mama helped get this started.)

I was able to go for a run the next morning because both St. Paul and Minneapolis plow the trail along River Road pretty well. So after a few spotty blocks through my neighborhood, I had a nice run along River Road and a bit down the Greenway for a total of 7+ miles.


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