A Few Days of Rest

>> Monday, January 15, 2018

On Thursday morning, I looked like this:

Pic taken 24 hours later (Friday morning) at the gym.

I saw my chiropractor on Thursday, and he checked out my sore left knee. (I know a chiro isn't the BEST person to see regarding running issues, but I trust him, he's close, and he's in-network so it costs me $0. He's my first opinion many times.) The final issue that made me come in to see him was on Friday the 5th, I was doing my normal leg exercises after my run (the same exercises I've been doing for years). And when I did the eccentric quad work and brought the weight up with both legs and then released my right leg to slowly lower the weight with just my left leg, the outside of my left knee would SCREAM at me. So I figured it was maybe time for a break from "weight room legs."

My chiro tested a few things to rule out major meniscus issues (whew!), and after 10 minutes of questions and poking, he said "you're really not giving me much to work with" with a smile. He thinks I just tweaked a little something in my knee (nothing specific that he could name), so I took a few days off. I'd already started some rest when I saw him on Thursday: I hit the trainer relatively normally on Tuesday, but then I skipped my run on Wednesday.

So I rested Wednesday through Saturday, but my chiro told me to try something relatively "normal" over the weekend before I see him again tomorrow. So I ran 4 easy treadmill miles yesterday, and things felt OK. (That was running 1 week after my previous run on last Sunday.) It didn't feel perfect, but I didn't expect it to. And the best news was that it felt OK the rest of the day as well (when it would normally get a bit achy). So I'll go back for a bit more "graston technique" and other tissue work tomorrow:

The glorious, exotic views at the Hennepin County Medical Center.
(This is the door to the "Integrative Health" office where my chiro works.)



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