P.T. Update

>> Tuesday, June 07, 2016

I've still been getting treatments from Robert at Magna in downtown Mpls. Last week, he had a number of needles in me for a while, and then he did some cupping on me:

Before coming off.

Just after taking the cups off.

The acupuncture is really helping to loosen everything up in my lower back around my injured disc. I'm excited for Robert to try some sort of "sliding" cupping this week at my appointment - something about moving the cups up and down my back once the suction has been created.

Yesterday, I had my first PT appointment since learning I have a disc issue and not a stress fracture. She poked and prodded at me as she had me doing certain stretches, and she confirmed that it was NOT a sacrum issue, and most likely a disc issue. She gave me a stretch for my lower back (basically the "cobra" yoga pose) that I'm supposed to do 10-20 times in a row EVERY HOUR or two! She said this will help get my disc slipped back in to where it should be. She noted that we bend FORWARD about 4500 times each day, while bending BACKWARD much less (something like a few dozen or a few hundred). Those numbers don't need to be equal (we're MEANT to bend forward more), but in my case where I have nearly 3 years of damage, I need to limit my forward bending while really exaggerating my backward bending. So that's where we're at right now: lots of daily back-bends.

Hoping for some progress in the next few days!


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