Not Too Much to Report on the Injury Front...

>> Sunday, June 26, 2016

Well, that title about sums it up.

I'm doing my exercises nearly every hour as I noted in this post from a few weeks back. I'm doing them a little different now with an awkward side-bend. But it doesn't seem to be doing much anymore. Those stretches seemed to help a fair amount at first, but they've totally plateaued.

I still have pain in my lower leg. If I hadn't had that MRI that ruled out leg issues, I'd swear there was something wrong with a tendon or some soft tissue around my shin.

I still feel like I'm a month or 2 from running, and it's already been 3 months since I've put on my running shoes. I'll get there, but I'm starting to run (pun intended) out of patience.

The good news is that as I was wrapping up an upper body workout at the gym two days ago, one of the trainers saw me and said "you're lookin' beefy, Steve!" Sweet. "Beefcake Stenzel" is what they never call me.


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