Keepin' It Real With This Dad Bod

>> Wednesday, June 08, 2016

I Instagrammed this yesterday:

Caption: It's been 11 weeks since I've run, and the chub is creeping in.
But it's also been about three months since I started lifting weights
again (after not lifting since last June because of elbow pain), and
some muscle is starting to come back. Pics taken 1 min apart. #DadBod

Yeah, I've been gaining a bit of weight. Not a TON, but a few pounds. I can grab a handful of belly fat. I mean, I've always had some belly fat, but it's getting a bit thicker. Dang.

But I'm happy to be lifting weights again. I started slowly just before spring break, and I'm up to 2-3x/week now, which I'm OK with. I started lighter and easier with lots of reps, but I've found that too many reps makes my elbow sore, so I'm working with pretty "normal" weight now with a "normal" amount of reps.

But the chub... the chub I'm NOT OK with. Working on that.


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