More Photos from Duathlon Nationals

>> Saturday, June 20, 2015

Two weeks ago was the Duathlon National Championships here in St. Paul. It was a fun, hot race. (Click here for my race report.) I was surprised to hear lots of loud cheers for me half way into the race. It turns out it was a "race buddy" and old acquaintance from my days at CVA. (She's a runners and a designer.) And it turns out she had been snapping photos of me all race! Here are Amanda's photos she sent me:

My colorful butt just moments after the start. Look at how horribly the
tattoo number sticks to leg hair - that was a hot mess.

Running away.

Remember in my race report how I noted I ran past my bike?
Here I am turning around once I ran too far. Oops.

Back at my bike. Finally.

Sweet shot of me running out!

I heard lots of shouting during my 2nd trip up Ohio Hill. It was Amanda and her friend.

Couldn't help but smile.

I caught that guy before the curve driven solely by Amanda's cheers. Thanks ladies!

Back to T2.

I don't think I was smiling - I think that's a grimace.

Flying to the finish!

Close-up of that last shot showing 0 women and 6 men looking at my ass.
That's around right.


Fried. (And hitting my watch.)

Checking my time while gasping for air. I dropped my hands onto my knees and gasped
for about 20 more seconds, and Amanda just stood there and cheered for me
the entire time. It was awesome. I thanked her by trying not to puke in front of her.
You're welcome, Amanda.

Thanks for the pics, Amanda!

Here's my race report if you missed it.


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