Semi Wordless Wednesday: March Running Weather

>> Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Here are 4 photos that show how much the weather in March can change here in Minnesota, taken over the last 10 days. (And I've posted the first 2 photos here before.) The first is from March 21st:

From my Instagram: "It finally got above freezing, so we all headed out for a run.
Five miles with the first 4 at 6:30 pace on some hills.
This was the sight when I opened the stroller when we got back home."

Notice the bare grass in the background. Here's our backyard just 2 days later on March 23rd:

From my Instagram: "'I'm gonna eat all the snow off this railing.' And by-golly, he did."

Oh, and in case you think I was exaggerating or that my son's a liar, here's a photo from 10 minutes later:

He worked his way up that railing, eating all the snow along the way.

Finally, here's a photo from yesterday (March 31st):

From my Instagram: "After 5 miles with the boys: Henry made a dash for the sandbox,
as Charlie was abruptly woken up by the shade flying open."

Not only is there no snow in that last photo, but you can see Henry was just in a short sleeve t-shirt for a half hour run. Oh Minnesota. I love you. I hate you.


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