Quarterly Fitness Report: 3 Month Totals

>> Saturday, April 04, 2015

Here are my training totals from the first 3 months of 2015:

SWIM: 60,200 yards
BIKE: 71.38 miles
(3 outdoor rides in March)
BIKE TRAINER: 6 hours 37 minutes (nine 30-50 minute rides)
SPINNING: 42 minutes (2 times: once to get ready for the indoor tri, and once at the tri)
RUN: 185.41 miles (9.52 of that with Charlie, and 14.08 of that with both boys)
STRENGTH: 49 hours 37 minutes

Weekly swim, bike, and run distances from Jan-Mar. Running is
low 3/2 and 3/9 because that was around the Indoor Tri - rested up pre- and post-race!

Weekly time with "strength" and "sports" added in. "Sports" are some stair climbing
and jump roping early on, and then bike trainer since.

Thoughts on those numbers:

- BIG SWIM NUMBERS! I've had a few bigger 3-month totals for swimming, but this is my biggest "quarter," and one of my biggest 3-month stretches ever. I'm still swimming a few days a week, but I'm not quite swimming as far now - in Dec and Jan, I worked up to mostly 2000+ yard swims, but now I'm fine doing 1500+ yard swims. I'm fine with that for 2 reasons: I'm only training for sprint tris, and I don't have time for swimming so much now that I'm biking more.

- DECENT BIKE NUMBERS FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR (FOR ME). That trainer total would have been totally unexpected had you predicted that in late January - I hadn't hit the trainer all winter until Jan 30th. Overall, it's not a lot, but it's a ride or 2 a week, which is nice and consistent for me. And the 3 outdoor rides are also pretty good (for me). If we look at my March outdoor bike mileage each year since 2010, it looks like this: 35, 0, 102, 0, 0, and 71 miles this year. (The big year was 2012 when we hardly had a winter - that's when I did the Human Race 8K in shorts and a tank top and nearly died from the heat.)

- RUNNING IS FINE. Dealing with my hip/sacrum injury means not pushing the miles too much. I'm OK with that. I'm trying to be smart with my miles as I TRY to build my endurance and speed a bit more for the upcoming multisport season. More on "speed building" coming in Monday's post.


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