I Instagrammed this earlier this morning:
"82 minutes on the bike with 'Coach Troy' this morning. #ThatsAllSweat"And yep, that's 100% sweat - I made sure I didn't have my leaky water bottle. My sweat usually puddles and starts to run a bit, but this is the first time in a LONG time that it went off the mat and down into the drain in the basement. Gross. I actually stepped in it in my socks right as I finished my workout. Double gross.
Related to the workout this morning, I also
tweeted this:
My favorite "go to" Spinerval workout is on Spinvervals 23.0: a sub-40 minute ride with 7x90 sec hard efforts w/ 90 sec rest, and then a final 3 minute building interval at the very end. So my 82 minute ride this morning with those extended efforts was a big WIN for me. Now let's see if I can do that again next week...
Holy hell. Way to rock the bike! I'm overdue for a bike workout this intense---and it just might happen this evening. If I have any gross sweat floor photos I'll be sure to Instagram them & tag you- but I draw the line at swamp foot. Nope. These perfectly painted piggies will NOT be bathing in body juice. No, sir!
Ha! Yeah, it was pretty gross to step in...
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