I Look HORRIBLE During 5Ks (here's the proof)

>> Monday, October 20, 2014

There are some pretty sweet photos in the album of official photos from the "ALS Superhero Dash" 9 days ago. Here are some of my favorites along with some horrible ones of me and Henry:



The group of LEGIT costumes out there!

She's got the same batman shirt as me, but she has cooler friends.


The "legit" Captain, some Ironkids, and an awesome tighty-whitey superhero.

Just before the start of the 5K - I'm about 10 feet behind (the male) Captain America.

As I said in my race report, Henry and I jumped into the lead after a few feet, and just kept pulling away from the group. Here we are just a minute into the race:

It looks like we're not even moving.

Now it looks like we're running.

This is the next photo in the album after the 2 of me and Henry.
The guy leading this pack is the middle-aged guy I noted I passed early on.

Fat Luigi.

ALS Association Executive Director Jen (in the Wonder Woman getup).

More of the nearly 500 5K runners.

An awesome He-Man.

Waiting for the runners to do their lap around the lake.

Looking through the tunnel to the finish.

Henry and I came barreling up to the tunnel nearly 4 minutes ahead of anyone else, and we totally caught this family off-guard and freaked them out:

Scared them off the path. Oh, and sweet baby Jesus... look at my face.

Close-up of that last photo. There's the "vein of approval!" It approves of this effort.
But the rest of my face.......... dear Lord.

Running hard towards the tunnel.

Another gross close-up. Henry looks chill, though.

Headed to the finish.

Well, I guess it's OK to be a little ugly/gross at the end of a 17:56 certified 5K while pushing a stroller. Right?... RIGHT?... I hope so. Here are a few more photos:

Here's 2nd and 3rd running side-by-side.

Brette (Jen's hubby) was passed by Fat Luigi, so here I think he's checking
to make sure he won't be passed by Fat Mario.

Fat Luigi catching his breath post-race.

He-Man made an unlikely friend during the race.

A pretty sweet Wolverine. He's running WITH A CIGAR IN HIS MOUTH. Nice touch.

These next 4 photos show the definition of a "second wind:"

"Ugh... how much farther?"

"I don't know if I can do this..."

"Oh wait... the finish is just up THERE?!?"

"LET'S GO!!!"


Henry and I getting our 1st place medal from Storm and Wonder Woman.

Heading back to the car. Henry has his "stick guns."

Check out Henry's and my race report from last week if you missed it.
Here's all the "official" race photos in a Flickr album with 1400 photos.
And here's the race website. Thanks ALS Superhero Dash!


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