Two Races This Weekend

>> Wednesday, June 25, 2014

If you're on twitter, you've probably seen Devon and me tweeting about this. We're teaming up for a relay at the Lake Waconia Triathlon! Devon put out the call for a runner on twitter, and he just announced that Jeremy (who was my relay partner 2.5 weeks ago at Trinona) is the winner!

Jeremy boozin' it up with stolen beer post-race from my Trinona race report.

Here's what Devon said about it on his blog:

My Best Friend For Now Steve Stenzel and I are proud to announce that our official new Best Friend for the Gold Guys Best Friends Relay at the Waconia Triathlon is Jeremy Reichenberger! Congrats Jeremy and thanks to all the applicants. Steve and I were inundated with innumerable incredible applications. Absolutely inundated. I’d like to say thank you and maybe we can be friends someday to Aaron, Kyle, Karin and especially Dan. Dan applied twice showing real ambition and initiative. Hats off to you Dan, but sadly Jeremy’s resume was too strong this time. Jeremy is a Gopher Alum, he has a great amount of facial hair (not too much, not too little), he has remarkable American Flag running shorts, and he is from Waconia! A perfect fit. We three will be racing Sunday to show the power of friendship.

By "inundated with innumerable incredible applications," Devon means we got like 5 applications. But I concur with Devon's 4 reasons for picking Jeremy. I'll add a 5th reason that you may or may not know: Jeremy was a student in my 1702 Digital Photo class at the University of Minnesota a few years ago. Awesome.

Oh, and Devon stopped by the Y on Monday to give me my final hard swim workout (being I'm the relay swimmer) before this weekend's race:

8x1000? Sure, why not. Taking off every 10:30? Yeah, totally possible.

Devon tweeted that photo, and I retweeted it adding that I took the total up to a nice even 10,000:

So Waconia is on SUNDAY with my team of my Best Friends.

On SATURDAY, I'll be racing with a lot of my in-laws at the North Mankato Triathlon! A LOT of them:

The 2 in RED are doing it individually, the 3 of us in white are 1 team, and the 3 in blue
are another team! (Oh, and this photo is from camping 10 days ago.)

I'm swimming again, my wife (Pharmie) is biking, and her sister (Steph) is running! The other team has her youngest sister's boyfriend ("New" Matt) as their swimmer, Steph's hubby (Jon) as their biker, and my youngest sister-in-law (Annie) running. Many-time teammate brother-in-law ("Old" Matt) and his fiancée (Angela) are doing the race individually. I'm sure that race report of mine will be very little text and mainly just photos.

So I have a 0.25 mile swim on Saturday with my family, and then a 0.5 mile swim on Sunday with my Best Friends. Big fun weekend ahead! Watch my twitter and/or my Instagram for updates this weekend!


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