More Trinona Time Trial Photos

>> Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Kerry from Yndecam (and his pro triathlete wife CY) were at the Trinona Time Trial 10 days ago. KY took some awesome photos. Here are about a dozen of his shots:

Everyone lined up with me being held for my start to the left.
That car in front of me was the one I followed that got lots of photos for my race report.

Passing KY and CY with smiles! (And an attempted peace sign.)

The 2 rabbits: Andrew Dahl from Dahl Toyota, and my nemesis and Trinona founder Dave.

Andrew starting the bluff.

Dave on the climb.

The stud that passed Andrew and Dave before catching me!

Me climbing (looking like a doof).
I said it in yesterday's post for the millionth time: I don't photograph well on a bike.

I'm half smiling in that last photo because CY was yelling at me as KY snapped that photo. All she said was "Henry says 'GO DADDY!'" I actually got a boost from that. THAT could have been the difference in me beating Dave by 5.6 seconds. So THANKS CY! :)

Climbing, about to be caught by the guy who started behind Andrew and Dave.

Some entertainment at the turn off Garvin Heights Road. Thanks guys!

Patti bombing down the final short hill to the finish line!
She finished as the 2nd female (behind my biker for my relay team the next morning)!

The finish!

K, me, and CY. Thanks for cheering, ladies!

That's all the photos, but I need to end with a funny story about K to the left in that last photo. I met her a few hours earlier at the Trinona Triathlon packet pick-up. I thought she was someone else (I was looking for the person who was going to give me my dorm room info for the night). We briefly chatted, and I was my normal, happy, smiley self. A half hour later, I met her at the start of the Time Trial as I ran into Dave and gave him some crap. Her eyes lit up: "YOU'RE Steve in a Speedo!?" No, she wasn't necessarily a fan. In fact, kind of the opposite. She was the "social media" person for Trinona. She didn't know that all the smack talk between Dave and I that she was seeing on Twitter and Facebook was all in good fun. No one had told her about it. She thought I was a legitimate over-competitive asshole talking all kinds of shit about the race founder! Dave was there to say "but I texted [or emailed] you about it saying to re-post that stuff." But K didn't even know what to make of that because she thought Dave was maybe joking - she didn't HEAR him talk about it so she couldn't gauge his voice.

I guess I won her over enough by the end of the night because she allowed me to put my arm around her as seen in that last photo above. Ha! (But something in her eyes say that she's still not 100% sure of me...)


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