Steve Stenzel: Saving Your Feet, One Toe at a Time

>> Saturday, January 19, 2013

I got a RANDOM Facebook message this past week. It was from a Mom in Oklahoma. She wrote:

Sorry about this cooky question, but I was looking for pictures online to try to figure out the deal with my daughter's toe, and I found this picture of your toe:

It looks just like that, and is in the exact same spot, except hers doesn't look so inflamed. So, do you mind telling me what the deal was with your toe in that picture? By the way, you seem to be an pretty neat guy. It's so funny how life (and toe issues) can bring people together. lol Anyway, nice to meet you. :)

As I've always said, I LOVE it when "toe issues" bring people together!

(Wait... scratch that. I don't believe I've ever said that.)

She'd found this post that has 2 "gross foot photos" in it. That was just about a week before one of the best races of my life where I tried to go sub-60 at the TC 10 Mile. (Click for my race report.)

I told her that it wasn't cooky at all, and that her daughter's toe is just rubbing. I suggested a shoe with a bigger "toe box." I had that issues as I was wearing (pointy-toed) Brooks Adrenalines for a year or 2, but since I switched to (wider toe-boxed) Nike Zoom Structure Triax, it hasn't been an issue.

Oh, I also suggested "Toe Caps" until her daughter's toes get better:

"Like condoms for your toes, only non-sexual."
(Not their actual slogan, but it SHOULD be)

Here's to happy, non-nasty toes!


TriMOEngr 7:17 PM, January 19, 2013  

I've never seen the toe condoms before. Hmmm.... I might have also suggested the fact that most people tend to buy running shoes too small - I went up a full size from my "regular" (dress) shoe size on recommendation from running store guy and I've not had too much issue with blisters or blackened toenails (though I'm not a high volume runner anyways). Though now most of my "regular" shoes feel tight - so maybe only a half size is really needed.

SteveQ 1:00 PM, January 20, 2013  

You should tell the Facebook mom to look up "hammer toe" - I bet that's what she's looking at.

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