Where Were We?!?

>> Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Pharmie and I just got back from a 4-day trip to someplace fun. We were withOUT Henry! Here are 6 quick photo-related clues as to where we were:

#1. This place had some historic trails to run on:

Pharmie running through a mountain!

#2. This place had amazing crepes:

I had asked Pharmie to look at me for this photo.
But she couldn't look away from her crepes. Seriously. I'm not joking.

#3. This place also had an AWESOME soda pop selection:

This is ALL ROOT BEER! But they don't ship, so I had to purchase only what I could drink. Sad day.

#4. This place had a TON of pinball machines for playing:

I played a few OLD pinball machines - back when 5 balls (not 3) was a standard play.

#5. A friend recommended some fun hiking trails with great views:

#6. And finally, we also dressed up nicely to go out a few times:


Back with more from this trip over the weekend!


Chris,  8:35 AM, January 09, 2013  

Vegas? In the hiking pic it looks like red rock in the background.

Sue's Ramblings 8:56 AM, January 09, 2013  

I echo the same sentiments - Vegas! And those selection root beers...to die for!

TriMOEngr 10:20 AM, January 09, 2013  

Same guess - looks like gobs of fun and absolutely a great idea for parents of young ones.

Cyborg Queen 10:39 AM, January 09, 2013  

I know where it is...and I ain't telling. :D Glad you had a great time Steve!!

TriEric 10:53 AM, January 09, 2013  

Vegas Baby!!!!

Pics in #1 are at Lake Havasu. That is the old railroad grade and tunnels used to build Hoover Dam.

Pic #5 is definitely Red Rock National Park. The road through there is great for cycling...challenging but a lot of fun.

What a great trip.

Cyborg Queen 12:30 PM, January 09, 2013  

TriEric - Not Lake Havasu. I don't think Las Vegas is in Arizona. :D

Steve Stenzel 8:29 PM, January 09, 2013  

Brooklyn is right!!!!

Wait no, that's the only wrong one. VEGAS baby! :)

Anonymous,  12:24 AM, January 10, 2013  

How about sharing the deets on where to go hiking near Vegas? :) I follow the husband there at least once a year, but he likes to play 21 & I like the outdoors...

Martin 2:16 AM, January 10, 2013  

I hate how Pharmie had two nice outfits and you wore the same thing hahaha! For someone who likes to dress up in skimpy shorts, I would've imagined you'd dress more your body type. Read: SEXY. Kidding!

Love your blog Steve!

TriEric 7:24 AM, January 11, 2013  

Cyborg Queen I stand corrected. Lake Mead is the correct answer.

Steve Stenzel 11:53 AM, January 11, 2013  

Eric, HA! :)

And amysue, I'll be posting some Vegas thoughts on Saturday and Monday - stop by to check those out!

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