Core Workouts with Henry

>> Monday, January 07, 2013

New Year's Day, my wife worked and I hung out with Henry all day. I figured I could fit in a core routine - something I did a lot with Henry over the summer. This time, I filmed it to show my wife (and all of you) how I work out with Henry. Turn it up to hear his jabbers.


- My cat's not dead at the start of that video. She just likes to lay like that.

- We have 2 cats, Ella and Kermit. Ella is the one in most of the video. Henry calls them BOTH Ella, and he runs off after saying "ELLA!" to go find Kermit at the 0:43 mark. Then you hear Henry say "meow, meow," followed by an annoyed meow from Kermit.

- Why is HENRY breathing hard at the 0:52 mark?!? I'm the one doing all the work!

- Henry gives me an anatomy lesson from 1:14 through 1:20. Super.

- I think my butt's too high at the start of that plank. Gotta work on that.

p.s. If you missed it, here's a guest post from Henry with HIS 2012 totals, and here are MY 2012 totals.


Wendy 6:53 AM, January 07, 2013  

Love it! Thank you!

I just had our baby girl almost 5 weeks ago and did 1-minute plank repeats the day she was induced and trail ran in the Wasatch the day before.

Still waiting for the post c-sec clearance to work out (hopefully Weds.!) and am learning to be patient with induced time off.

Alyssa Duhe 1:16 PM, January 07, 2013  

Awwww so cute. You seem like an awesome dad. I loved the post from Henry with all his 2012 totals.

Sarah 3:40 PM, January 07, 2013  

I wish that every day I know who loves fitness, but complains about not being able to do it because of their kids, could spend a day with you guys! Just awesome! And Henry is such a happy, loveable little guy.


Julie @ ROJ Running 7:08 PM, January 07, 2013  

And now I know what your voice sounds like and the illusion is ruined. ( ; Cute video, he's such a happy kid!

MILF Runner 1:11 AM, January 08, 2013  

What a beautiful child. I love the sound of his voice! But then again I am a total sucker for babies (meaning anyone under the age of 3). Nice boobies! Hahhahahahahaa! My youngest used to do the exact same thing whenever I did floorwork.

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