"Run for Blood" 5K Photos

>> Monday, August 13, 2012

Here are a handful of "official photos" from the Run for Blood 5K 2 weeks ago:

Pre-race pit stains while laughing at something while that guy in the background
(who I SHOULD know) looks on unimpressed.


I'm near the middle. I can point out the 6 guys that ended up beating me (l to r):
the 2 guys just left of me (Scott in the shades and Ben in the blue), topless guy, gray shirt,
lime green to the right, and green track jersey to the far right.

Right when you felt like death (around mile 2.5), there was a bagpipe so it SOUNDED like death.

The Viking's Cheerleaders who Henry got hang out with.

A finisher with a slightly-chunkier-than-Johnny-Depp Jack Sparrow
and the "Old Elvis" who Henry and I met.

See the photo of Henry and I with "Old Elvis," and the photo of Henry with the cheerleaders in my race report.


1. The Olympics helped inspire me to FINALLY post a small photo project that I did 2 years ago. I photographed my daily tri-training, and tried to turn it into a photo series. It's still just a loose idea, but check it out here on my Photo Blog if you're interested. I'd love feedback!!

2. Henry and I went out to cheer on Matt's girlfriend Angela (and lots of other friends) at the "YWCA of Minneapolis Women's Triathlon" yesterday. She's the 9th photo in my Examiner article slideshow, and you can read her lips as she's shouting "HI HENRY!!!" Congrats Angela!

3. I'm 90% sure that I'm going to be racing my first cross-country 5K this weekend since high school. This should suck. It's an "alumni vs current HS student" CC meet back in my hometown - I hope to have some photos of some high-schoolers kicking my ass.

4. I'll have a new giveaway in 2 days (some goodies from Gatorade). Check back!


Carolina John 10:19 AM, August 13, 2012  

Cool shots man. good stuff.

Anonymous,  3:14 PM, August 13, 2012  

I spy myself right behind you in the first photo, and my do I look happy to be there. Hahahahah. I don't think I was really feeling it that morning.

Chad 7:46 PM, August 19, 2012  

The Run n Fun guy with his arms crossed is Michael Bjornberg.

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