Cannon Falls Duathlon Results and Photos

>> Thursday, May 07, 2009

Race photos are up! This is during the pre-race meeting, and you can see our clan in the foreground:

Borsch, Jen, Melissa, and Matt in the front;
Me, Pharmie, and Steph farther back

A few minutes after the start, I was running in about 5th place:

(with Mario on my tail)

After the race, Jen made it sound like she was the last one into T1. Well, here she is on the far left with a TON of people behind her!

I hit the bike...

...then Matt did...

...and here's Jen riding out of T1 on Jerry:

(Jen, have you settled on "Jerry" as the name yet?)

Then we hit the final run. Here's Matt:

Here's me:

Here's Pharmie about 500 meters from the finish, still smiling:

Here I am in about the same spot, only I don't know why I'm running like a duck:

What the hell am I doing? Is that
what I look like when I kick?

It wouldn't be a "race photos" post with one of me as a one-legged pirate:


After I finished, Jen came into T2, and I did the final run with her (and Pharmie joined us after a few minutes too). We walked and ran our way to her FIRST DUATHLON FINISH:

Post race, here's Pharmie getting her award for third place in her age group (and that's Matt clapping for her to the right):

And if you're wondering why there aren't any photos of Steph, it's because she hated them all. And I have to be honest: she did NOT photograph well on Saturday. So here are 2 images to at least prove that she did the race too:

Running out and running back.

Oh, and one last note: Gracia, the woman who was doing her first duathlon and whose tire Pharmie and I fixed before the race, finished as the first place female, just 90 seconds behind me. (That girl has a future in this sport!!) The best part is that she has a non-fancy Specialized road bike and did the race in a hoodie:

So the official results are up, but there aren't any splits (just overall place and finishing time). The race was "hand timed," which meant you had to yell out your number to volunteers while entering and exiting transition so they can hit a button and record your number to get your split. The results page online says "Split times will be uploaded after the times can be confirmed," but it's been 5 days, so I'm not holding my breath. But I REALLY want to see how poor my bike split was compared to everyone else (because of my rubbing brakes), and how good my second run was compared to everyone else (could I take top 2 or 3??).

So here's what I have according to my watch:

- 2 mile run: 11:31, 4th or 5th overall
- T1: 0:33
- 14 mile bike: 47:06 (18.2 ave on my computer)
- T2: 0:37
- 3 mile run: 18:13 (6:10, 6:09, 5:53)

Here's how our group did out of 131 participants:

12, Steve Stenzel, 01:18:03
36, Matt Linder, 01:25:03
60, "Pharmie," 01:33:10
83, Steph Linder, 01:43:00
126, "Aunt Jen," 02:12:45

I e-mailed Jen's and Pharmie's family after I put up all the photos on Monday so they could check out Jen's first duathlon and see all the photos. Aunt Jen replied to everyone with this note:

Very nice story Steve... and the pictures say it all.
Special thanks to steve and pharmie for running with me that last 3 miles.....your chatter and cheers kept me going!! :-)
I accomplished my goal: to finish. and to not finish last. amen.

Amen Jen! AMEN!!

(p.s. I lied about the "no workout last night." I hit the pool late for 2000 yards in 34:00 [1:42/100 yds]. Intervals on the track tonight! Maybe a quick post when I get home...)

p.s. The official results are up. Here's my stats: 12th out of 135, Steve Stenzel, St. Paul, MN, 28, Male. Run: 5th, 11:32, 5:46 pace. T1: 0:40. Bike: 27th, 46:59, 17.8 mph (rubbing brakes). T2: 0:39. Run: 5th, 18:14, 6:05 pace. 12th overall in 01:18:03.


Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 7:20 AM, May 07, 2009  

nice post on the race! and very good work out there...thanks for the comments on the blog, i need to start shooting more pics now.



Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 7:23 AM, May 07, 2009  

BTW...where did you gett he split times?

Kim 8:10 AM, May 07, 2009  

congratulations to everyone!!! you guys really did kick butt and manage to look good doing it. especially pharmie - that girl is a photogenic athlete! im jealous :)

Calyx Meredith 8:20 AM, May 07, 2009  

Yar indeed! Love the pictures - especially Steve the Pirate.

The Boring Runner 8:35 AM, May 07, 2009  

That is awesome that Jen cranked out her first multisport race. You're going to do great w/ the people from school.

Beth 8:36 AM, May 07, 2009  

I love that Steph hated her photos. I look terrible in every race photo! I always look like I'm walking when I'm running and I've always got my eyes closed. Ugh! Great job everyone!

Carolina John 8:45 AM, May 07, 2009  

Way to go aunt jen! I'm trying to talk some of my fam into doing a local tri in august now.

tfh 9:31 AM, May 07, 2009  

You all look great! I need somebody to do to my race photos what you did for Steph's. At least her eyes look great!

t-odd 9:53 AM, May 07, 2009  

That is a very attractive burka you superimposed over Steph. Nice handiwork. Is Minnestoa Moments a sponsor of your blog? Cuz they should be. Good race report.

CoachLiz 12:32 PM, May 07, 2009  

We need to get you a parrot for your one-legged pirate photos.

Anniversary Moments 11:56 PM, May 07, 2009  

I have the same top as Pharmie! I was thinking of wearing it during my 10k this weekend now I definitely will and will channel her speed through it ;)

Great job everyone!

I Run for Fun 4:30 PM, May 08, 2009  

Nice pics! Your group did great.

Can I get you to work on my race photos? Most of them are plain lousy.

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