The official photos are in from the Apple Duathlon that Pharmie and I did a week ago.
Here I am starting the bike course, and I think I'm smiling at Totters who was cheering at the side of the road:
Here's Pharmie at the same point:
Here I am starting the second run:
And here's the final kick up the little hill to the finish line. Look at the crowd go wild:

Yeah, that was a joke about the "crowd going wild..."
Pharmie finished with that "I'm gonna barf" look on her face:
Here's a final photo that was included in my search for #252. I think the race photographers could have left this one out. I don't come across very well in this image:
Except for that last photo, you can see that my new
SUGOi Tri Suit held up GREAT!! You'll be seeing it again at the Liberty Oly Tri in 2 weeks! Happy weekend everyone!
Great photos!
Mayeb you were moving so fast that you can't be seen by the naked eye in that last photo...?
I was thinking that the suit gives you super powers. Invisible Steve!!
Good shot of you with both feet off the ground. And if he was still on the loose, I'd swear that's the Unabomber behind Pharmie.
And that tri-suit held everything up great, too. (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)
"Look at the crowd go wild" Oh.My.Gosh that cracked me up!!!
I'll be honest...that's a LOT of spandex...the type of thing that gives you triathletes a reputation.
That, and the 17 Gu's being carried at any one time, along with at least one "Hammer Nutrition" product being consumed :)
I find it curious that your number is 252 and Pharmie's is 152. Very interesting.
I LOVE running pictures when both feet are off the ground! That rocks. Yeah, the crowd looked totally into it.
Too bad they did not get your Pirate shot or the famed shot of you hitting your watch at the finish line. I am jealous because I want one of those shots of me running with both feet off the ground. I don't think that ever happens in my case.
So when you gonna shave those legs??? HMMM???
You look so official in your speedy suit! Great race pics.
The Invisible Man shot is awesome. :D Fun pictures!
Hahaha, I am dying re: the crowd going wild! Great race, Steve . . . and awesome photos! You look so speedy in your tri suit! Love it!
lol at "the crowd goes wild!"
great pics!!! :)) *LOL* The I'm going to barf look....yeah I think a couple of my race pics look like that.
Nice job u 2!
The crowd looks underwhelmed. Nice suit, but is it uncomfortable to run with butt padding? Xscuse my ignorance; I don't do tri's.
the crowd is intense, probably just blown away by your speed in that last photo.
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