Apple Duathlon Official Photos

>> Saturday, May 30, 2009

The official photos are in from the Apple Duathlon that Pharmie and I did a week ago.

Here I am starting the bike course, and I think I'm smiling at Totters who was cheering at the side of the road:

Here's Pharmie at the same point:

Here I am starting the second run:

And here's the final kick up the little hill to the finish line. Look at the crowd go wild:

Yeah, that was a joke about the "crowd going wild..."

Pharmie finished with that "I'm gonna barf" look on her face:

Here's a final photo that was included in my search for #252. I think the race photographers could have left this one out. I don't come across very well in this image:

Except for that last photo, you can see that my new SUGOi Tri Suit held up GREAT!! You'll be seeing it again at the Liberty Oly Tri in 2 weeks! Happy weekend everyone!


Marlene 10:26 AM, May 30, 2009  

Great photos!

Mayeb you were moving so fast that you can't be seen by the naked eye in that last photo...?

The Lazy Triathlete 10:28 AM, May 30, 2009  

I was thinking that the suit gives you super powers. Invisible Steve!!

331 Miles 11:32 AM, May 30, 2009  

Good shot of you with both feet off the ground. And if he was still on the loose, I'd swear that's the Unabomber behind Pharmie.

t-odd 1:52 PM, May 30, 2009  

And that tri-suit held everything up great, too. (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)

Unknown 2:45 PM, May 30, 2009  

"Look at the crowd go wild" Oh.My.Gosh that cracked me up!!!

nwgdc 6:59 PM, May 30, 2009  

I'll be honest...that's a LOT of spandex...the type of thing that gives you triathletes a reputation.
That, and the 17 Gu's being carried at any one time, along with at least one "Hammer Nutrition" product being consumed :)

Tom P. 8:45 PM, May 30, 2009  

I find it curious that your number is 252 and Pharmie's is 152. Very interesting.

Missy 11:04 AM, May 31, 2009  

I LOVE running pictures when both feet are off the ground! That rocks. Yeah, the crowd looked totally into it.

CoachLiz 12:50 PM, May 31, 2009  

Too bad they did not get your Pirate shot or the famed shot of you hitting your watch at the finish line. I am jealous because I want one of those shots of me running with both feet off the ground. I don't think that ever happens in my case.

So when you gonna shave those legs??? HMMM???

X-Country2 1:59 PM, May 31, 2009  

You look so official in your speedy suit! Great race pics.

Calyx Meredith 4:57 PM, May 31, 2009  

The Invisible Man shot is awesome. :D Fun pictures!

Irish Cream 5:50 PM, May 31, 2009  

Hahaha, I am dying re: the crowd going wild! Great race, Steve . . . and awesome photos! You look so speedy in your tri suit! Love it!

Trishie 6:36 PM, May 31, 2009  

lol at "the crowd goes wild!"

Sam 11:15 PM, May 31, 2009  

great pics!!! :)) *LOL* The I'm going to barf look....yeah I think a couple of my race pics look like that.
Nice job u 2!

Dori 1:05 AM, June 01, 2009  

The crowd looks underwhelmed. Nice suit, but is it uncomfortable to run with butt padding? Xscuse my ignorance; I don't do tri's.

Lindsay 7:13 AM, June 01, 2009  

the crowd is intense, probably just blown away by your speed in that last photo.

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