5 Quick Things: Photos and Triathlon Club

>> Thursday, May 28, 2009

1: Cannon Falls Photos:
Matt’s girlfriend, Melissa, recently passed on some of her photos from the Cannon Falls Duathlon. Here I am coming into T1:

And here I am finishing:

Like I’ve always said, my hair seems to be slowing me down...

2: Gear West Photos:
There are no official photos of Matt or I as “Team Happy Pants” from the Gear West Duathlon, but here are 2 others. This is a photo from a friend of a friend showing me running (like I have to pee) at the start. The 2 guys near me were the speedy runners that beat me into T1:

And here’s an official photo that shows that final little jerk of a hill that’s about 300 meters from the finish line:

3: New Glasses:
I picked up my new glasses yesterday. My old ones have been held together with electrical tape for the past 3 weeks. The new ones are a little spunky and slightly retro. Here’s a photo of me sitting at my computer right now:

Yeah, I’m not wearing a shirt. So sue me.

4: CVA Triathlon Club Ride:
Yesterday, I had a quick CVA Triathlon Club ride. Many of the members are on a trip to New York, so I knew that we’d have a small turn out. It was just Cynthia, Rudy, and me:

I wanted to show them the Gateway Trail (one of my favorites!). Here they are crossing a bridge near the start of the Gateway:

We went out slowly: we hit mile 8 with a 10.5 mph average. Then Rudy picked it. He headed back between 17-19 mph. Here’s Rudy pulling ahead near our turn-around:

And here’s Cynthia nearing the end of the trail, with another 2 miles left to get back to school:

I’m planning a group run and a bike maintenance day next week, and we’re working out the details with the local Y to have a group swim lesson in 2 weeks. I CAN NOT wait for that!

5: Training:
At the Apple Duathlon this past weekend, Pharmie and I realized that we had 3 weeks to get ready for the Liberty Triathlon (she’s doing the Half IM, I’m doing the Oly). So we’re TRYING to hit it a little harder! I went on a fast 8 miler 2 days ago, and Pharmie went on a nice ride. Next week should be a lot of training! Stay tuned!!


trimybest 8:48 AM, May 28, 2009  

good job coach! im also doing the liberty olympic so i will see you guys there! since westin was born ive gotten a little behind in my training but im excited to race! im hoping my chain doesnt break!

Anonymous,  8:58 AM, May 28, 2009  

Tweeted about your blog today ( http://twitter.com/EnzymaticThrpy ) Think your updates/photos are impressive and entertaining! Well done sir, keep up all your great work!

X-Country2 10:16 AM, May 28, 2009  

I need a little tri group in my life. You look like you're always having so much fun.

Unknown 10:21 AM, May 28, 2009  

That looks like a great bike path to train on. Good luck with the training!

The Lazy Triathlete 11:26 AM, May 28, 2009  

I am not sure what to think about your glasses. :)

Great work with the group!! It is always easier to get started with a group.

Anonymous,  11:43 AM, May 28, 2009  

I like the new glasses. You should make a video of you on bike maintenance day. I could use some tips!

Ryan 12:02 PM, May 28, 2009  

Dude, I was wondering what that bridge by 35E was this weekend. That's my thing learned for the day. I'm done.

Ally and I will probably bump into you at Liberty. I'm doing the half and Ally's cheering.

"Nice" glasses, btw. Heh...

Marlene 12:02 PM, May 28, 2009  

That little beat of a hill leading to the finish does NOT look fun.

Great pics as always!

Jess 12:39 PM, May 28, 2009  

Great pics! And I like the new glasses.

Sara 2:45 PM, May 28, 2009  

Could you post your bike maintenance tips?!? Some us could use the info! Looking forward to funny Friday

Steve Stenzel 2:54 PM, May 28, 2009  

D10 and Sara-

The "bike maintenance tips" will be super simple: washing the frame, de-greasing the chain and cassette, and then re-lubing everything. That's about all I know!! Nothing too fancy!

Now, back to class....

RoadBunner 3:21 PM, May 28, 2009  

Two thumbs up on the new specs!

trigirl82 5:22 PM, May 28, 2009  

Sweet new frames! They look good! :-)

Trishie 8:25 PM, May 28, 2009  

Great photos as always, steve !

Run For Life 10:00 PM, May 28, 2009  

I like the new glasses! That one guy looks really tall next to you but that may be because he's ahead of you in the pic.

Steve Stenzel 7:29 AM, May 29, 2009  

Run For Life: that guy WAS pretty tall! And speedy!

J 12:10 PM, May 29, 2009  

great new glasses!

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