>> Friday, April 03, 2009

Hi everyone! Pharmie and I made it down to New Orleans in good shape earlier today! We still haven’t been able to see our bikes since they’ve been shipped, but we’re hoping for the best! (YIKES!) Supposedly they will be waiting for us in transition tomorrow.

We wait for tri-buddy TriSaraTops at the airport - she flew in just after us. From there, we went straight to a Team Evotri meet-up. No, we’re not part of the team, but we’re buddies with all of the team, so they always say we’re basically "one of them."

IT WAS THE SWEETEST MEET-UP IN THE HISTORY OF MEET-UPS!! We got to sit in on a SimplyStu interview with triathlon superstars Desiree Ficker, Chris McDonald, Linsey Corbin, and Heather Gollnick!! I was taking pictures the whole time for Stu (so I wasn’t in any of the photos), but here’s a photo I took of those 4:

Heather, Chris, Linsey, and Desiree

In case you didn’t know, here’s JUST how cool these 4 fit and sexy folks really are:

Heather Gollnick - IM WI 2X winner, 4X IM winner, and 75 overall career wins!

Chris McDonald - Soma Half IM 2008: 1st place and Course Record; IM WI 2008: 1st place and Course Record; IM Louisville: 2nd place and Course Record set for the bike, and I got to see him finish 2nd at IM WI 2006!

Linsey Corbin - IM World Championships 2008: 5th place; Lake Stevens Half IM 2008: 2nd place; New Balance Half IM: 1st place; Baja Half IM 2007: 1st place; Vancouver Half IM 2007: 1st place

Desiree Ficker - South Africa Half IM: 1st place; Boise Half IM 2008: 2nd place; Timberland Half IM 2007: 1st place; IM World Championships 2006: 2nd place!!!, etc. etc.

Heather is sassy and funny! Her family is great! Chris is laid back and is the type of guy you’d be able to sit and have a beer with. Linsey is sweet, funny, and has a nice and personable hubby (great legs too!! [I'm talking about Linsey, but I'm sure her hubby has great legs as well...]). And I didn’t get to chat much with Desiree. Damn.

After that, we got signed-in for the race, nearly bumped into Chris McCormack (Macca) as he was dropping off his bike, had a quick bite with the Evotri group, and got settled into the home we’re renting with our Evotri buddies (which is AMAZING!), and now we're all winding down watching Rambo on TV.

Tomorrow, we’re hitting the water for a quick swim, and maybe a quick ride to make sure Goldilocks is going to hold up. OK, time to get ready for bed!


Tri-James 9:36 PM, April 03, 2009  

I'm driving in tomorrow. I hope the weather holds.

Stef0115 9:38 PM, April 03, 2009  

OMG! I bumped into Macca (and babbled hi to him) during the swim delay at Silverman last year!

SO TOTALLY AWESOME you got to hang with these pros. Thanks so much for the pic and update Steve!

Take care and KICK BUTT!!!

Maggs 9:39 PM, April 03, 2009  

Good luck to you two. I'm driving over from Alabama tomorrow AM.

Run For Life 11:24 PM, April 03, 2009  

Have fun and good luck!!! That meet-up sounds like it was the perfect way to start the NO trip. :)

brendaj 1:00 AM, April 04, 2009  

Sounds like you're off to a great start! Love the finisher pictures of you and the watch...too funny.

Shannon 6:13 AM, April 04, 2009  

Great opportunity to talk with the best. Rest up!

Anonymous,  7:28 AM, April 04, 2009  

Sounds like the weekend is off to a fabulous start. You and Pharmie are going to have a blast. Best of luck to you both. I can't wait to read all about it.

Jess 8:35 AM, April 04, 2009  

Glad you made it safely and it sounds like you're having a blast so far!

Nat 9:13 AM, April 04, 2009  

Good luck to you guys! I am soooo jealous right now!

Missy 9:25 AM, April 04, 2009  

Luck, luck, luck...great pix!

Unknown 9:26 AM, April 04, 2009  

Glad youhad a good trip and yay for meeting some super athletes! That's always fun!

FLATOUT JIM 10:29 AM, April 04, 2009  

Pre Race is my favorite time. If you can get over the nerves, you get to meet a ton of interesting people including some professionals. Best of luck tomorrow.

X-Country2 11:59 AM, April 04, 2009  

Sounds like you're geared up for a great weekend. Good luck!

Judi 2:37 PM, April 04, 2009  

ahhhhhh sooo jealous steve! i am psyched to start IMKY training! i am excited for you! i'll be checking your stats online tomorrow. have a great time in msy.


Anonymous,  4:38 PM, April 04, 2009  

Sounds like a great start to the weekend. Good luck; You're all going to do great, Goldilocks too!

Trishie 5:37 PM, April 04, 2009  

Have a GREAT race, steve !!

Unknown 6:07 PM, April 04, 2009  

Good Luck !! Make sure you partay hard on Bourbon Street before the big race tomorrow. Look forward to your post-race report soon.

Jen 8:22 PM, April 04, 2009  

Good luck to you...look forward to all your disgusting post race sweat and blister pictures. hehe.
Glad you made it there safe.

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