More Twin Cities Marathon Photos

>> Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Here are some more photos of the “cheering debauchery” from the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday:

I’m a high-fiving fool


Running and cheering

Proof that we are people underneath.
Hot, stinky, sweaty people.

These photos are all courtesy of the cow’s girlfriend, Melissa. The photos from the previous post (which you NEED to see if you missed it) are from me, Melissa, Jon (the pig), and my mother-in-law Monica. IronJenny snapped this photo of Phamie and I after her finish:

“What’s next?” you ask?

Well, after a few weeks of relative inactivity post-Ironman, I’ll be trying to hammer out one last duathlon during this 2007 season. On Sunday, October 14th, I’ll be in Osceola, WI, for the Osceola Duathlon. As always, if you will be out there or if you know anyone who will be racing, make sure to say “hi!”


Bigun 7:01 AM, October 10, 2007  

Hope you didn't hard-boil your eggs.

Lance Notstrong 9:39 AM, October 10, 2007  

You're an Ironman in a rooster costume......does that make you an Iron-cock?

Iron Girl Nyhus 10:45 AM, October 10, 2007  

Way to go on Sunday... you deserve a medal too :)


Wedgie 3:22 PM, October 10, 2007  

Steve Steve Steve... I feel like I've let you down. I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with a groaner punchline to the joke "Why did the chicken cross the road?" And I just can't come up with anything. I'll do better next time, I promise.

Steve Stenzel 4:45 PM, October 10, 2007  

Mister P, we figured out the answer to that on Sunday. The answer is "to find a better spot to cheer."

It's not necessarily funny, just true.

RunBubbaRun 6:43 AM, October 12, 2007  

Cock-a-loo-doo have fun at the Du this weekend..

Unknown 6:30 PM, October 12, 2007  

In that pic with Pharmie, you look like a Chicken with his head cut off. Were you running around like that?!?!? LOL

Trisaratops 9:53 AM, October 13, 2007  



That is outstanding! Can you come to the Cleveland Half Mary next May and be a big fuzzy cock for me??? ha ha ha ha

Unknown 8:10 PM, October 13, 2007  

I would love to say something witty, but I am laughing way too hard.
Way to go the extra mile for the wife. Too cool.

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