Cross Training on the Weekend

>> Monday, October 22, 2007

I had a good, SOLID weekend of cross training. It started on Friday night with some frosty barley beverages and some cat curls:

She ain’t a light cat...

Then I did some lunges:

Then I got distracted:

My wife is the one with the saggy ones.
I don’t know why they’re pink...

Then, on Saturday, I went to a bonfire and threw around some fireworks for an upper-body workout, as well as carbo-loaded with a bonfire pie:

Made over a fire with cherry filling inside

Finally, on Sunday, Pharmie made homemade chicken and dumpling soup with bread pudding (my FAVORITE!) for dessert. OK, I’m not sure how to list this last one as “training,” but it was flipping delicious!


Marcy 5:40 PM, October 22, 2007  

Dude, NEVER tell a woman her cha cha's are saggy :P

RunBubbaRun 9:42 PM, October 22, 2007  

For a moment there, I got a flashback of you shirtless and your cat..

Okay, what color where your balls after that comment about your wife :)

Unknown 9:51 PM, October 22, 2007  

I actually injurred myself bowling once...some hamstring injury. So now I always count it as cross-training. I figure if I can get hurt doing it, it must count as exercise!!

brendaj 1:14 AM, October 23, 2007  

Nice workout plan. Sounds kind of like some of my workouts lately!

Allez 8:36 AM, October 23, 2007  

Yum! Pharmie rocks! Can I come over for dinner too? Where's the matching picture of you holding the balls down "there"?

Andra Sue 11:12 AM, October 23, 2007  

I agree with Marcy!!!

Sounds like an outstanding weekend overall. :D

E-Speed 11:54 AM, October 23, 2007  

sounds like a good weekend!

Anonymous,  12:12 PM, October 23, 2007  

Bread pudding. Soooooooo good. Soooooooo very bad!

greyhound 11:19 AM, October 24, 2007  

Ah, the invincibility of youth. At my age, I live in fear that if I actually slack off that much i'll never get unslacked again.

Kate 9:06 PM, October 24, 2007  

Nice lunges! I am impressed with your "form"!

Michelle 6:57 AM, October 26, 2007  

Pharmie sounds like a whizz in the kitchen. How lucky you are.

Kim 8:18 AM, October 26, 2007  

hey, sounds like we have been on the same "training" schedule... :)

Unknown 11:54 AM, October 26, 2007  

MMMMM pudgie pies! I haven't had those in years!

Iron Girl Nyhus 1:40 PM, October 26, 2007  

Nice workout plan... how many hours a week are you training?


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