I’m Really Not a Publicity Whore

>> Thursday, October 18, 2007

All of my students now know what I do on the weekends. This is posted in the library of the College of Visual Arts right next to the front door and circulation desk:

It says “Yes! This is OUR Steve!”

That was the clipping from the St. Paul Pioneer Press the day after the marathon. Thanks to the librarians at CVA, everyone knows of my escapades. Damn.

Also, someone alerted me to a giant farm animal sighting on Skinnyski.com. I seached through the photos and found this one:

Farmer, Pig, Cow, and Cow’s girlfriend

Maybe now the farmer will cut me some slack about me being the only one to make it into the paper. I had no control over the issue. And now everyone but the chicken made in onto this website. Even the Cow’s lady-friend. Happy now, farmer? I hope so.

And finally, the biggest, most random news:

Blogger buddy Marcy alerted me to a “Steve in a Speedo” sighting on the web recently. The Nursing Online Educational Database just wrote a feature called “Top 100 Health and Wellness Blogs.” And guess who made the list. Come on, guess.

“Steve in a Speedo” was listed as number 81 on the list! CRAZY! Here’s a link to the article: Top 100 Health and Wellness Blogs. (And, by the way, if you really want to hear someone constantly talk about va-ja-ja soreness due to athletic ventures, then definitely stop by Marcy’s blog.) I don’t know why they picked me out of everyone that’s out there, but I guess they explained it pretty well: “There are more than a handful of triathalon blogs out there, but Steve's blog was chosen because he has a sense of humor, he talks about his sex life, and he loves to share his pain. In other words, he's for real.”

Funny they should say that... On my very first post to start this blog, I said this: "There will be photos from events that show me at my sweatiest. There will be notes and stories from my training. It will be honest, funny, gut wrenching and hopeful. But one thing is for certain: it will always be real – that’s me, keeping things real. 24/7/365."


Spandex King 12:58 PM, October 18, 2007  

Just hope they don't find out about your relationship with your cat. That licking thing still creeps me out!!

Marcy 5:57 PM, October 18, 2007  

Not to mention gangrenous penis. Really, what more can you ask for?

Thanks for the shout out homie. At least I spared you and didn't go and take pics of the crotcherlar area :P

Lance Notstrong 9:44 AM, October 19, 2007  

That's right Steve.....keep it real....real funny, real crazy, and real "cocky" :-)

Unknown 7:19 PM, October 19, 2007  

Congrats on making the list - Mike is #28 for his diet blog. I was kidding him becuase other than mentioning in his "about me" that he lost weight, he never mentions dieting...... go figure.

Dances with Corgis 5:08 PM, October 20, 2007  

Very cool that you got listed!

RunBubbaRun 7:38 AM, October 21, 2007  

Your such a Blogger hairy stud. I think it was those shaving pics that put you over the top..

I guess alot more women (especially nurses) like a hairy man after all.

teacherwoman 8:13 PM, October 21, 2007  

"he has a sense of humor, he talks about his sex life, and he loves to share his pain" ... congrats for making the top1 100 list! You are for real!

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