The Stenzels / Pharmies Bought A House!

>> Monday, April 30, 2007

Friday morning (and well into the afternoon), Phamie and I were signing papers for our new home. We saw some scary numbers: how long we are going to be in debt and how much we are REALLY paying once all of our interest is figured in. Gross. We walked out of the title place with a packet of papers and some new keys. It didn’t feel like we now had a new home.

We headed downtown to homestead the property at the courthouse, and then got to cleaning the new place (and by “new” I mean “new to us” – it’s a sweet 1914 home). We stopped once for a Subway meal and booze. Here we are cleaning late into the day, after said meal of meat and booze:

So now, if you’d like to swing into St. Paul for a day or two, you’re welcome to stay with us. We can all go for a bike ride or a run, and then stop off at Izzy’s Ice Cream shop just 3 blocks away. We have a guest room and a basement that’s good for housing bikes!


John 10:45 AM, April 30, 2007  

Congratulations on the new place guys!
I hope it's everything you were both looking for...When Two Triathletes Buy a House.

Joy | Love | Chaos 11:14 AM, April 30, 2007  

Yeah! Congrats to you both!!

greyhound 11:56 AM, April 30, 2007  

I remember well the first house and laying awake on a new matress plopped on the floor with boxes of stuff all around and the house note on the topmost box.

**toss, . . . turn . . .**

"Holy [expletive deleted], what have I done?"

It all turned out fine.

Gordon 12:06 PM, April 30, 2007  

Congrats you guys, that's awesome!

Kate 1:05 PM, April 30, 2007  

Congratulations :-)

Spokane Al 3:39 PM, April 30, 2007  

Congratulations and thanks for the invite.

E-Speed 4:44 PM, April 30, 2007  

awwe David and I have a few pics like this from when we got our house in 2005 :) So exciting!!!

Allez 7:44 PM, April 30, 2007  

Congrats! Hey, my brother lives in St Paul!

TriShannon 8:55 PM, April 30, 2007  

Congrats on the new house!!

Anonymous,  5:01 AM, May 01, 2007  

Congrats. And don't think that some of us aren't plotting and planning a way to visit the northern parts of the country.

P.S. Junk in the "trunk" won't help on long rides. That would be junk in the "naughty parts". EEEEUUUUUWWWW!

RunBubbaRun 6:51 AM, May 01, 2007  

Congrats on the new digs... Yeah, if you actually look at the total numbers. Wowweee, no wonder banks are rich..

Enjoy and hope your bikes enjoy it also..

Trisaratops 6:38 PM, May 01, 2007  

Yahoooooo! Congrats to the Pharmie-Stenzels! :)

TRI Vortex 3:45 PM, May 02, 2007  

Congrats on the new house and soon to be home. Its not a home until you make it yours. What a nice looking couple you two make. Are you really serious about letting bloggers stay at your place. Not that there's anything wrong, just that I'm not used to the sheer acts of kindness around where I live.

Wedgie 7:18 PM, May 02, 2007  

I have no reason to go to St. Paul. But if I ever do, I am totally staying at Chateau Stenzel.


Triteacher 7:46 PM, May 02, 2007  

How cool that you're still smiling after all that house stress - or is that just the booze?


xt4 9:46 AM, May 03, 2007  

That's awesome you guys, much congratulations.

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