Keepin’ It Real

>> Friday, April 13, 2007

I achieved a minor breakthrough yesterday evening: I was able to run 4 miles without stopping with little to no knee pain during the run!! This is huge (well, for me at least)! I ran outside and was running slow but comfortable 9-minute miles. I ran loops near home in case my knee went ka-put, but it held up just fine. It did get a little sore last night, and it was a little achy this morning in bed, but still, I’m happy with the run. Now, if I’m just able to feel that good after running 6 times that far I’ll be set....

It’s time I posted some totals. I need to get these in front of God and everybody so I keep “guilting” myself into training. Remember, through all of this, I was trying to heal my left knee, so there are some pretty uneven distances. Here we go:

Jan. 2007
• Swim: 17,300 meters
• Bike: 16 miles
• Spinning: 5.5 hours
• Run: 0 miles
• Strength: 14 times

Feb. 2007
• Swim: 11,300 meters
• Bike: 0 miles
• Spinning: 1.5 hours
• Run: 12 miles
• Strength: 12 times

Mar. 2007
• Swim: 9,200 meters
• Bike: 12 miles
• Spinning: 0 hours
• Run: 24 miles
• Strength: 10 times

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One last thing. If there are any guys out there that think I must be incredibly lucky to be living with 2 women, think again. When I got home from work today, look what jumped out of the shower and nearly killed me:

That ain’t mine. Gross. Girls are nastier than guys.


Allez 6:40 PM, April 13, 2007  

You take pictures of strange things!!! :-) That's gross but so were your skin "chips" off your feet! My husband leaves hairballs in the shower, he has long hair. I, on the other hand, do not!

John 8:00 AM, April 14, 2007  

Skin chips... cool!
Hairy things in the shower... nasty... just nasty!

Gordon 11:08 AM, April 14, 2007  

Ooooh, I feel your pain man :)

teacherwoman 3:44 PM, April 14, 2007  

That is nasty. And I am a girl. As part of my morning routine, I grab all the remaining hair from the sides of the tub and drain and ditch 'em. I also clean out the sink when I am done doing my hair. Otherwise I have to spend $5 on a bottle of drano every month to clear the drains. My sister and I have a lot of hair... but I think I do more of this than her.

RunBubbaRun 12:56 AM, April 15, 2007  

I can think of crazier things ladies leave behind..

Glad to see you are running again..

TriShannon 6:36 PM, April 15, 2007  

At least it is not collecting with the nasty, black, smelly stuff in the pipes. :-)

Glad you are running pain free!

qcmier 10:17 PM, April 16, 2007  

I have two older sisters, so seen that. The only thing nastier would be if it was hair from two other guys. (Seen that too.)

Joy | Love | Chaos 10:20 AM, April 20, 2007  

Ha! It's like our shower in the morning! Although I usually make smily faces out of the hair for Michael's amusement. Thing is, I can't ever blame *him* for the hairy situation, since he has universal alopecia none! So I'm stuck taking credit for each and every clogged drain and hairart in the shower. :)

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