“Skinny Don’t Put Your Heel To Your Butt”

>> Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sometime in late April, I was at the Y for a nice swim. It actually was a great swim. I swam 1600 meters in record time, and felt great! During my entire swim, the pool was half full of old ladies on noodles doing Jazzercise or some crap like that. They were in their spot, I was in mine, so everything was fine.

I finished up and sat in the hot tub for a minute or 2 while doing a few hamstring and quad stretches. Shortly after I climbed into the hot tub, the old ladies finished up their “workout.” One of them got a charley horse in the shallow end, and you’d have thought the world was ending. Anyway, a few of the ladies stepped out of the pool and headed for me in the hot tub. I was stretching while using the railing for support, so I kindly moved over a smidge so they could use the railing.

Instantly, 2 of them starting talking about me. They spoke to one another, but they spoke very loudly so that I knew they were talking about me. As I was stretching, I kept hearing:

Old Lady #1: “Oh, look at that! Would cha’ look at that!”

Old Lady #2: He’s so flexible! Oh my!”

I was standing up while doing some quad stretches, so I was holding onto the railing with one hand and pulling my ankle up to my butt with the other. It’s not a fancy stretch. Anyone can do it. You probably do it.

Old Lady #1: “He’s so young and stretchy! I don’t know how he does that – there’s no way I could do that!”

Then I switched legs. It was incredibly shocking for the old women.

Old Lady #1: “Oh, my – he’s got 180 degrees of flexibility! Look at him go!”

Old Lady #2: “He’s so skinny! That’s got to help...”

And then, the best line of the day. No, the best line of the week. Well, maybe the best line of my triathlon training:

Old Lady #1: Well, ‘skinny’ don’t put your heel to your butt!”


Wedgie 11:27 PM, May 02, 2007  

I'm sure Pharmie appreciates your flexibility.

RunBubbaRun 6:21 AM, May 03, 2007  

Your such a TRI STUD....

Anonymous,  8:25 AM, May 03, 2007  

Oooohhh, old ladies admiring the young stud. You know you loved every minute of it!

P.S. I haven't received my toenail clippings, dried skin, or whatever else you were sending as a prize. Do you think the mailman coveted the prize and stole it?

teacherwoman 8:48 AM, May 03, 2007  

That is hilarious! too funny!

marz_racer 9:09 AM, May 03, 2007  

Hey look it's Gumby!!!

xt4 9:45 AM, May 03, 2007  

I've oft thought of you as young and stretchy. I think you could even change your blog name to "Young&Stretchy." You even kind of look like a "young and stretchy".

John 10:09 AM, May 03, 2007  

Sounds like the Tri-Stud was eye candy!
I think they wanted a little piece of "Young and Stretchy"

Steve Stenzel 10:15 AM, May 03, 2007  

Hey x-

I've now got the tune of "Ridin' Dirty" with the lyrics saying "Young and Stretchy" stuck in my head.

Thanks for that. Thanks a lot.

Allez 11:34 AM, May 03, 2007  

Old people are funny :-) At my other gym, a REALLY old man gave me a $1 coin every week for no reason. Usually on the day that I did lunges.

E-Speed 5:46 AM, May 04, 2007  

LOL... Your noodle ladies are priceless!

Spokane Al 8:27 PM, May 04, 2007  

I think the comment, "Well, ‘skinny’ don’t put your heel to your butt" is one I will try to remember and use in the right social situations.

Lance Notstrong 3:34 PM, May 08, 2007  

It was for a reason Allez.....you just weren't getting the hint LOL!!!

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