Triathlon Fuel

>> Tuesday, April 24, 2007

No, I’m not talking about Hammer Gel or Carbo Pro. Not about Power Bars or Power Gel. I’m talking about REAL fuel. MAN FUEL.

Recently, I picked up my brother-in-law and his girlfriend and drove them to the airport. As a “thank you” gift for picking them up, they had a large Papa Murphy’s ALL MEAT pizza waiting for me.

They knew that the ladies that I live with would leave that meaty mess alone, and that it would be all mine. Ten minutes later, over 1,500 calories were in my belly (half of the pizza):

I saved the other 1,500 calories for the next day. Fuel. Man fuel. Fuel for life. Fuel for Triathlons. Maybe a little too much fuel. My tank was full. My tank runneth over. Then I had to clean the bathroom.


marz_racer 9:50 AM, April 24, 2007  

A vast improvement over the weight watcher meal!!!

John 9:58 AM, April 24, 2007  

Thats good eaten! Much better then Salisbury Steak... yum!

Joy | Love | Chaos 11:35 AM, April 24, 2007  

OMG that was so damned funny! Clean the bathroom...

greyhound 1:38 PM, April 24, 2007  

**News Flash**

The men of the square table have proposed and adopted a new man law.

Man Law: No substance recognizable as plant or vegetable material shall be permitted to adorn a man's pizza, nor must a man share a pizza consisting of only tomatoe sauce, meat and dairy toppings with any married or unmarried female that shares his abode. Instead, the second half of such meaty/dairy-y pizza should be eaten the next day, preferably for breakfast.

Steve Stenzel 1:42 PM, April 24, 2007  

I second that! MAN LAW it is!!

Lance Notstrong 4:10 PM, April 24, 2007  

I love some good "man food"!!!

qcmier 9:16 PM, April 24, 2007  

You'll have to report how it tastes for breakfast. Nothing like cold pizza before a little bike ride.

Gordon 8:32 AM, April 25, 2007  

It's best to fuel up RIGHT before a ride, that way you make the most of it and don't waste any calories. Mmmm.... meaty breakfast and Zone 5 workout ;)

Anonymous,  4:51 AM, April 26, 2007  

Like we needed to hear about the bathroom aftermath...but the 'za looks tasty.

TriShannon 9:33 PM, April 26, 2007  

MMMNN... my mouth is watering!!!

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