Results of “Name My Bike”

>> Thursday, April 12, 2007

The results are in!!

And by that, I mean that I’ve determined what the name of my bike is with the help of YOU. There were a lot of great possibilities: I loved Paula Bunyan (it has good MN ties too), Gina (pronounced with a long “I”) was strongly considered, and Oprah was a GREAT suggestion. But there can only be one winner chosen. It was a tough decision, but the winner is...

May I have the envelope please...


Her full name will be “Big Rhonda the Dyke Bike.” Rhonda was first brought up by Mallie, so she is the big winner! Mallie, email me at with your mailing address so I can send you your “prize.” It will be “great.” You’ll “love it,” I promise.*

And I’d like to thank everyone for the well wishes regarding my last post about my impromptu ER visit. Besides the comments, I also received a few e-mails with more thoughts, concerns, and all around warm fuzzies. So THANK YOU, all of you. I’m doing fine, and I’m pretty convinced that I’m going to live another day. It’s provided me with just another great story for around the campfire.

* I’m not promising anything.


Lance Notstrong 11:17 AM, April 12, 2007  

Aren't you afraid that once you proclaim your bike to be a dyke, she won't let you ride her anymore?

Your bike will be putting the moves on Pharmie now LOL!!!

Anonymous,  4:11 PM, April 12, 2007  

I'm speechless. How unexpected. Admit imagined a team of indoor soccer playing lesbians and liked the images invoked didn'tcha?

I'll e-mail you later!

Allez 6:43 PM, April 13, 2007  

I think my bike's a lesbian too. But in a good way. She's smooth, thin, pretty and I love to ride her!

Tri-Dummy 8:32 PM, April 13, 2007 can't throw "the Dyke Bike" on there without some love for the Tri-Dummy!

Steve Stenzel 2:28 PM, April 16, 2007  

Tri-Dummy, you are right, I'm sending love right



There. I hope that makes things better!!


Lance Notstrong 3:15 PM, April 16, 2007  

Holy crap Allez!!! I'll never be able to get certain "images" out of my mind now when I ride with you!!!

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