I’ve Forgotten How to Bike

>> Friday, April 20, 2007

About a month ago when I dusted off Big Rhonda (The Dyke Bike) for the first time this year, I went a little nuts. I pushed it too hard. I forgot all about pacing. My first 10 miles were done at over 19 mph. However, I got onto the trail on Summit Ave, got down into areo, and smiled a little to myself, thinking “Ohhh…this feels GOOD!” It had been too long.

(Speaking of going fast, I recent was able to run a 3 mile run in 7:40 minute miles WITHOUT knee pain! Woo-Who!)

Anyway, I’ve gone for a few bike rides since, and I have gotten a little better. Pharmie and I went on a ride this past weekend, and she’s a SUPER pacer. She can set a pace and just go. It was a little slow, but the pace was constant. We had a good time.

Today, I went for a nice spring-time ride. It was a little fast (as usual), and it kicked my ass in the end. The ride ended with a nice trip up Ramsey Hill. Nasty ole’ Ramsey Hill. It’s the kind of hill that takes your average speed that you’ve worked so hard to keep high and kicks it in the nuts, slaps it in the face, and calls it Nancy.

When I got home from my ride, I was starving (what’s new?). I dug through the freezer and found a Weight Watches Salisbury Steak with Mac and Cheese. It didn’t live up to my expectations:

What’s the opposite of delicious?

So, in short, I need to work on pacing myself on the bike. I need to be slower and able to stick it out for a longer time. Sorta like the way I am in the sack.



greyhound 9:47 AM, April 20, 2007  

Yeah, when it's been a long time, sometimes you go kind of quick but don't last long . . . .

er . . . I've heard that anyway. I wouldn't know.

Cycling. We're talking about cycling, right?

E-Speed 10:24 AM, April 20, 2007  

your posts always make me smile.

Anonymous,  10:25 AM, April 20, 2007  

Nice final comment, pre-wink! Seriously...just enjoy being outside at first. Pacing is important, but if you don't simpy enjoy your bike you won't look forward to each and every ride in your schedule.

Steve Stenzel 10:45 AM, April 20, 2007  

Yes Greyhound, we're talking about CYCLING.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

; )

marz_racer 1:24 PM, April 20, 2007  

I think you need to work on what you keep in your freezer!!! Yuck...

Sixteen Chickens 7:08 PM, April 20, 2007  

And you need to restock the freezer.

Yes, you can call me Herman.

RunBubbaRun 9:01 PM, April 20, 2007  

You know they have that food on the IM course. So it will taste better then...

Faster and longer, the only way..Butt creme works well too..

John 3:43 PM, April 21, 2007  

When your alone you can’t help but go out fast. It’s always easier to pace your self with a partner!

Salisbury Steak… that even looks bad!

JeffM 10:48 PM, April 22, 2007  

The Salsibury steak looks so small it would only be enough for a snack (must be training season).
Pretty wild about the ER visit a few posts ago.

Tammy 9:13 PM, April 28, 2007  

Ok, not hungry anymore. thanks.

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