I Was “That Guy” on the News

>> Sunday, March 11, 2007

Recently, I was the on WCCO Channel 4 evening news in Minneapolis/St. Paul. There was a shooting in a bar that’s within a half mile of where Pharime and I live, and a local reporter caught me on the street. I was TOTALLY “that guy” on the news that says something like “Oh, that kinda stuff just doesn’t happen in this neighborhood!” Check out part of that news cast:

I spoke in perfect "sound-bite grammar," short and to the point (just a little fast)!

Soon, you’ll see me on the news spouting off something like this:

“He was SUCH a good neighbor. Quiet, and kept to himself. I had no idea that was going on in his house! I don’t believe it!”

Or maybe:

“When the tornado touched down, it sounded like a flippin freight train was going through our backyard! I mean, it was like 'WWHOOOOSSHH WWHOOOSHHH', and then I saw my neighbor’s dog fly by! Poor Woofie!”

Maybe I’ll even make a shirtless appearance on COPS:

“No officer, I have NO idea how those drugs got into my car! They’re not mine! You have to believe me!

I'll be "that guy on the news, spouting off the obvious sound bite" for as long as I can. I wonder if there's a way I can turn this into a career?....


E-Speed 4:40 PM, March 11, 2007  

:) You're famous! And you are right, very well spoken!

teacherwoman 9:49 PM, March 11, 2007  

That is too fun! Nice job, Steve!

Spokane Al 10:24 PM, March 11, 2007  

Good job. You are a natural.

Anonymous,  8:31 AM, March 12, 2007  

I can definitely see a new career in your future!

Anonymous,  10:39 AM, March 12, 2007  

What were you doing at the bar - nice kid like you! - Chad says you talk too fast (and that you are an idiot) - i don't agree with that last part - love you! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!

John 11:07 AM, March 12, 2007  

That was cool! Now you have a sound bite to attach to your resume for your new career...look out Greg Welch!

marz_racer 11:32 AM, March 12, 2007  

I'll keep an eye out for the COPS episode!!!

Allez 2:27 PM, March 12, 2007  

Very cool :-) I used to watch WCCO every morning while I was getting ready for school (U of M).

Triteacher 11:09 PM, March 12, 2007  

A "trendy" neighborhood - oh boy, don't know if I'm worthy! You did a great job representin'!

tri-mama 9:00 AM, March 13, 2007  

We have trendy "hot spots" in MN, who knew? There is a coffee table book about the photographers of the newspapers older days, when the photogs carried their cameras everywhere hoping to snap a print to sell to the paper. Back in the days when they'd put a body on the front page. There are some great pics of your neighborhood-bodies and all. :-)

Lance Notstrong 8:40 PM, March 14, 2007  

Nice debut. I'm looking forward to that Cops episode. Don't forget your Marlboro and 40oz :-)

xt4 4:22 PM, March 27, 2007  

That. Was friggin'. Awesome.

Next time, though, just take your shirt off in the middle of this one. How hilarious would that be? "It's a nice, safe neighborhood - one second (removes shirt) - ah, better - I mean, things like this shouldn't be happening at all." Then, at the very end, suddenly duck like a tornado was whizzing by overhead. You'll have successfully fulfilled all opportunities for your 15 minutes into one succint youtube post. Brilliant!

But seriously, that was awesome.

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