Got the Green Light

>> Friday, March 16, 2007

I just had another PT appointment with Margi, and she told me to try running 3 days a week. My knee is far from perfect, but we've decided to give it a little test. And she thinks the Apple Duathlon in Sartell, MN in May would be another good test, so hopefully I'll be giving that a go.

I'm headed home shortly to try an interval treadmill workout. It'll be my first set of intervals on a treadmill. I've never done one before. In high school, I was only 1 of 2 guys on our track team that actually enjoyed intervals. I was an 800 runner, so we did 12 - 16 200-meter intervals in about 28 to 30 seconds with 60 seconds in between. Today, I'll warm up on the treadmill, and then just bump it up and down every minute or so. We'll see how it goes. I'm not that coordinated, so hitting buttons while running at a decent clip may prove disastrous. I'm nervous....

Currently, I'm enjoying the slight all over muscle burn from my GREAT lifting workout yesterday. It had been a while since I had a really good workout. Shortly, all of my lifting over the winter will be for naught: I remember around May of last year, Pharmie commented on how small my biceps had gotten. Stupid endurance training. Eating away at my biceps and pecs. Turning me into someone with the rail-thin body of my mother. Damn it.


Chris 2:13 PM, March 16, 2007  

Most endurance folks would love to have the rail-thin body of your mother. I know I would! I sure beats the alternative (which I have now).

teacherwoman 6:16 PM, March 16, 2007  

I hope your interval run goes well! I too enjoy that burn after a good lift session! Happy weekend!

Wedgie 7:17 PM, March 16, 2007  

Skinny biceps? Sorry, you get no sympathy from me, Mister 185x6 Bench Man. (but glad to hear knee is holding up.)

Spokane Al 8:50 PM, March 16, 2007  

Good luck on your interval training.

And no sympathy from me either concerning your biceps. I lift regularly in the faint hope that I can hold on to what stringy muscles that I have as old age slowly steals them away.

RunBubbaRun 6:59 AM, March 17, 2007  

Glad the knee is getting back in shape.

I always worry about falling on my ass during a treadmill workout.. Good luck with that.

TriShannon 8:06 PM, March 17, 2007  

Hope the interval workout goes well. Glad to hear the knee is on the mend.

Anonymous,  7:42 AM, March 19, 2007  

I refuse to give up lifting. I just drop it down to two days a week from three and still get in my long rides around it. So I won't feel sorry for you uf your biceps shrink!!! :)

Anonymous,  10:41 AM, March 19, 2007  

Hey!! What's this about the rail-thin body of your mother!!! Be nice to her!! She got her body from somewhere else, too, you know!! She;s not really happy with it, either!!

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