Conversation With Pharmie

>> Saturday, March 24, 2007

The following is an actual conversation that Pharmie and I had last night before bed:

Pharmie: GROSS! I thought you threw these away! What are they doing ON THE NIGHTSTAND? Where did they come from?

Steve: I was taking out the trash yesterday, and they just popped out to say ‘hi,’ so I thought I’d take their picture.

Pharmie: Yeah, I’m sure they just ‘popped out to say hi!’ And why do you need their picture... You’re not putting it on your blog, ARE YOU!?!?

Steve: Sure, why not? I need a dime and my camera...

Pharmie: YOU ARE NOT!! What will people think?!? That’s gross!

Steve: Oh come on, that hasn’t stopped me before.

Pharmie: Are you going to tell them they were from plantar warts?!?

Steve: Sure, why not? **click** (photo being taken)

Pharmie: GROSS!!

Pharmie: Now get the cats over here - they can eat those.

Steve: What... really!?! Here Kermit, here Ella...


(I thought I saw 2 plantar warts forming a month ago on the bottom of my right foot. So I used those wart remover pads that basically slowly burn off the warts. When I stopped using them, all the skin around them peeled off a week later. Those are the “skin chips” you see above. Don’t worry, I didn’t feed them to the cats.)


Trisaratops 5:09 PM, March 24, 2007  


(that's the sound of me dry heaving)

ha ha ha

TriShannon 6:01 PM, March 24, 2007  

I second Pharmie... GROSS!!!!!!

E-Speed 10:38 PM, March 24, 2007  

Nice use of the dime to show scale, but still GROSS!

RunBubbaRun 7:28 AM, March 25, 2007  

Hey, these aren't to bad.

But I still have images of the cat marks from your chest. Now that is a different story..

teacherwoman 9:50 PM, March 25, 2007  

I agree with Pharmie..that's gross! But this is a post that made me chuckle! heheh!

Wedgie 2:09 AM, March 26, 2007  

You are FREAKING me out here. Remember I said we were kindred spirits because we both play with dolls? Er, action figures? I'm going through my 3rd treatment this week to get a plantar wart removed from my foot.

The last failed attempt:

Anonymous,  10:55 AM, March 26, 2007  

Just goes to show that "boys" never tire of grossing out their "girls". Marriage can't even kill that urge.

:) 2:42 PM, March 26, 2007 dip?

marz_racer 4:23 PM, March 26, 2007  

Nice!!! And yes the transition run was gross!

Lance Notstrong 10:52 AM, March 27, 2007're like Gold Member :-)

TRI Vortex 2:09 PM, March 28, 2007  

Wow, and I thought Bolder was bold. Minus the worts, sounds like and average night between my wife and I. Glad to see that tri-wives around the world share a common thread...grossed out by how shameless we are.

John 4:04 PM, March 28, 2007  

Too Funny! You need to draw little faces on them and give them names.

Caroline Houdek 1:41 AM, April 01, 2007  

Why am I not surprised? :-)

Anonymous,  2:49 AM, January 26, 2008  

maybe gross to you guys, but this was good to see, I thought I had the same thing, so I'm gonna see a doctor now, good to see u could just clip it off, very relieving. thanks for putting up, made my day to see a real life blog and story of removal. thanks!

Anonymous,  4:48 PM, October 16, 2008  

This is soo cool! I have a plantar wart and I used the pads! They really do work! But now, I have to go too the doctor cuz it came back...spiteful little bastard! Thanks for posting this!

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