Spooky Story

>> Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I had just gotten home from the Y when I heard a slight noise. I brushed it off; it was probably just some snow falling off of the roof outside. No big deal.

A minute later, I heard something again. I quickly spun around. I swore it was coming from nearby, but I was home alone. Was it the cats? No, they were both sleeping in the sun on the floor.

A few seconds later, I heard it yet again. It sounded like a muffled voice, and it was still coming from nearby. I froze, waiting for it to sound again. If I stood silent and still, I would be able to hear where it was coming from. My heart was racing. My eyes were wide open. Sweat was forming on my brow.

A few seconds later, a muffled voice came from under my feet. I slowly looked down, and then bent over. The noise became clearer.

I realized it wasn’t coming from under me, it was coming from a part of me! Where was it?! What was speaking?!

I brought my hands near my face, and the voice became more emphatic. It was my left hand!... no... wait... it was my new watch that my parents gave me for Christmas.

It was speaking to me! I brought it to my ear. I heard a forced, wheezing voice. But a truck drove by on the street, and I couldn’t hear exactly what it was trying to say. The voice was definitely coming from my watch. I stood as silently as possible, with the watch pressed against my ear.

There it was! That voice... I could make it out! It was a creepy, quiet, whispering voice. It quietly but clearly said:

“...you’re a fucking slow swimmer...”


Trisaratops 8:02 PM, January 03, 2007  

That watch is a total bitch! I hope you smacked her.


RunBubbaRun 10:28 PM, January 03, 2007  

Don't worry, I hear that all the time. For a minute I thought you ran into TRi-ghost of racing season past, present, and future.

Triteacher 5:39 PM, January 04, 2007  

Sounds like time for a new watch! Yep, defy your parents' best intentions and toss the thing!

Or consider a masters swim class...

xt4 8:23 AM, January 22, 2007  

That was great. I'm still laughing.

Joy | Love | Chaos 9:07 AM, January 24, 2007  

That's the funniest damned thing I've ever read! Baaaahhh!!!

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