Stills from the TC 10 Race Video

>> Wednesday, November 05, 2014

WARNING: there are 2 semi-gross images in this post. They're not bad, but you maybe don't want to be eating oatmeal or chucky vegetable soup while reading this. You have been warned.

As they've done the last couple of years, Kare11 has archived their streaming video coverage from the end of the TC 10 Mile and TC Marathon. When I watched myself finish, I saw something I clearly remembered: being greeted with a smile and a half-hug from a man in an orange vest:

Walking across the line with a smile for the guy in the orange.

After a word of congratulations, a smile, and a pat on the back.

What I didn't know was what this guy had been doing moments before I crossed the line. Here he is a minute before I finished as he deals with puke and/or other bodily fluids:

Oh God. My first human interaction after finishing the TC 10 was from the "puke guy."


I went back in the video a few minutes, and I found a 22-year-old named Sam who was the one making the mess at the finish line:

He pushed to break 60 which he DID, so it was all worth it. I hope.

Here are 4 more photos of me working my way to the finish as seen in the Kare11 video:

Nearing the line.

Hitting my watch on the mat.

I didn't even notice the covered up puke.

Just as the "puke guy" was about to come over and congratulate me.

(I'm not actually appalled or annoyed at that EMS person. If you know me, it's actually quite fitting that I was first met by him. Thank you for helping out, EMS person! And congrats on a good finish, Sam!)

If you want to see the video, go to this Kare11 video link, and click on the "8:00 - 8:15" link near the bottom. Sam (the puker) starts doing his stuff just 30 seconds in, and I cross around the 2:30 point.

Speaking of barf, did you see my last post about my "Kitten Mile?" :)


Shinianen 8:43 AM, November 05, 2014  

Maybe he was just happy that you finished with a smile rather than a puke?! ;-)

Steve Stenzel 12:56 PM, November 05, 2014  

Ha! Maybe that's it Shinianen!

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