Friday Funny 37: Two Outfits

>> Friday, May 22, 2009

I have 2 great ensembles to show you all. Yes, I said “ensembles.” Sue me.

Outfit #1: Blogger buddy Brian sent me an e-mail about 2 weeks ago. The gist of it was that he had some short shorts that he thought were TOO short. He wore them once, and thought he’d never wear them again:

He said that it was either send them to me, or donate them. I told him I’d GLADLY take them. They arrived in the mail a few days ago along with a note that said “Wear them in good health.”

They’re really not that short. I think my grey and blue running shorts I wore for my 5 miler on Wednesday are shorter. THANKS BRIAN!!

Outfit #2: I received another e-mail at about the same time from someone who does PR for SUGOi. (How do you pronounce that company? Sue-Gwee? Soo-Goi? I dunno...) Get this: they wanted to send me a new SUGOi Volocity Tri Suit to try out! SWEET!!

So guess what came in the mail recently?!?

It was harder than I thought to get in to! I do NOT have hips, and I had to “work it” over my hips! It fits well!

I thought I’d get a feel for it around the house. Here I am working on my porch in my new tri suit:

Here I am taking a poo in the suit. (Well, not IN the suit, you sicko):

Then I went outside to hang out with Kermit and Ella. Yes, out cats are in our backyard on leashes. They LOVE it. Really. Don’t judge me.

Then we all thought we heard a squirrel in the distance:

Turns out it was just a rustling leaf. No squirrel.

Thanks SUGOi!! I think I’ll give the Tri Suit a dry-run at the Apple Duathlon tomorrow! Then I hope to be able to wear it at the Liberty Olympic Tri in 3 weeks. In the meantime, I need to harden my ass for the small chamois in that suit!


Maria 7:34 AM, May 22, 2009  

awesome 'ensembles'! the red shorts do look short, but who loves short shorts? steve loves short shorts! the tri suit looks fancy from the back, are those pockets or just a TRI-bal design?

Steve Stenzel 7:37 AM, May 22, 2009  

Maria, Pharmie and I ALWAYS joke about that!:

Who wears short shorts? I WEAR SHORT SHORTS!!


And those are 2 pockets for gels in the back of the suit. It's all pretty sweet!

duchossois 7:40 AM, May 22, 2009  

You are so the tri-fashion plate.

Jamie 7:42 AM, May 22, 2009  

I barely classify those as short shorts. Brian needs to suck it up.

I wear shorts half that length to the grocery store just because, and I don't even think twice.

Anonymous,  8:03 AM, May 22, 2009  

very classy...i'd expect some sponsers to call you after this post

Marlene 8:06 AM, May 22, 2009  

Great digs! You know how to rock the short shorts.

The Boring Runner 8:19 AM, May 22, 2009  

HA - those pictures with your cats (and you on the can) are pretty much the exact reason why your blog is one of my favorites..... if not my absolute favorite! TGIF

hoodie 8:24 AM, May 22, 2009  

Steve - your Friday posts keep topping themselves! hilarious 'attentive cat pose' and thumbs up photos! keep up the laughs :o)

Lindsay 8:44 AM, May 22, 2009  

wow just wow.

hooray for sugoi and (i'm assuming) outside pr! love them :)

Jen Rife 8:46 AM, May 22, 2009  

I LOVE the last picture of you and the cats looking for the squirrel! I couldn't stop laughing!

Hilarious that you wore your tri suit for just hanging out around the house.

This may be my favorite Friday Funny so far!

Nat 8:50 AM, May 22, 2009  

I don't know what is better, you in the tri suit doing home repairs or you in a tri suit scoping out animals in the wild. Wow Steve. Just wow. I love it.

Laura 9:23 AM, May 22, 2009  

Didn't anyone else yearn for a pic of Steve actually walking the leashed cats while wearing the tri-suit?
I did......

X-Country2 9:56 AM, May 22, 2009  

I... don't even know... what to comment on... Too... many... CHOICES!

Carolina John 10:52 AM, May 22, 2009  

that's a sweet tri suit. nice grab! i've got to get one of those one day.

ShirleyPerly 11:05 AM, May 22, 2009  

Cool score on the Sugoi suit! With all those lines in the back, it looks like maybe you can somehow get your butt out to use the toilet w/o taking off the whole thing. That's the main reason why I don't like those one-pieces. Can you???

Amy 11:33 AM, May 22, 2009  

My God you're funny. Those pictures of you in the getup around the house are hilar. Good luck this weekend!

Unknown 11:44 AM, May 22, 2009  

The possible squirrel picture is great.

FLATOUT JIM 12:00 PM, May 22, 2009  

Good to know the Sugoi works in sitdown mode.

That will come in handy at the Porta Potty camp at your next Tri.

Missy 12:13 PM, May 22, 2009  

Glad to know that it covers your arse while working on a ladder. Should be perrrfect for a race. Small chamois means be careful peeing on your bike - not lots of absorption there.

Chic Runner 12:34 PM, May 22, 2009  

Great new outfits. You are the new chic runner. and cats on a leash. WOW.

MissAllycat 12:46 PM, May 22, 2009  

Oh My God.

Toilet picture.

Can't. Stop. Laughing.


Beth 4:03 PM, May 22, 2009  

I think that tri suit is pretty cool! If you have an in with them, tell them that us long waisted gals need longer tops. I don't need people to see my belly (and they don't want to see it)! Good luck at the Du tomorrow!!

Unknown 4:16 PM, May 22, 2009  

Both outfits are cute! Sorry I'm sure you wouldn't call them "cute," but I think they are!

mthead 4:26 PM, May 22, 2009  

sue go ee
say it fast
it's Japanese for "great", kinda slangy

Man, I wish my neighbors would leash their cats. it's not like my dog is allowed to wander around the 'hood messing up everyone else's front yard. Why do cat owners feel so entitled??

Michelle 5:03 PM, May 22, 2009  

I like your poo pic!!

Too cute!!

And the cat pic looking for the squirrels!!!

Your hilarious have a great weekend!!!

Anniversary Moments 6:01 PM, May 22, 2009  

so brian doesn't look much taller than you (if at all) so why do the shorts look so much shorter on him then on you?? and it looked like he had them hiked to his chest practically. nice of him to send along the top too though.

Cy 7:00 PM, May 22, 2009  

Kick butt tomorrow. Either way you'll be looking sharp in the fancy tri suit! Smokin'

Being Robinson 7:28 PM, May 22, 2009  

OMG, this totally made my day awesome. So amazing, all the incredible things you can do in a tri-suit. It makes me want to do tri's just so I can get the suit, and watch for squirrels with my cats (fyi I have a harness for one of my cats, awesome). Incredible!

Run For Life 8:08 PM, May 22, 2009  

Haha, that's great I love the pics! I always wondered how to pronounce Sugoi as well and the tri suit looks super high tech. Good luck!

nwgdc 9:18 PM, May 22, 2009  

yep...i'll admit it. water came out my nose at the picture of you and the cats stalking the leaf.

Shannon 7:55 AM, May 23, 2009  

You look hott in that Tri-suit! I'd wear that suit to work, church, grocery shopping....whatever!

Brian 10:40 AM, May 23, 2009  

Man, I'm getting beaten up here. You need to post a side pic to show the side of the shorts. Can we trade? I'd take the sugui stuff. they make great stuff.

Irish Cream 12:01 PM, May 23, 2009  

HAHAHAH! You are killing me, Steve! This was the funniest thing I've seen in quite some time! HA! Thanks so much for sharing with us :)

Calyx Meredith 5:57 PM, May 23, 2009  

Sugoi rocks! Even though I have NO idea how to pronounce their name, I buy their stuff whenever I can. I have a bike skirt that I LOVE - not that I'd recommend you run out and get one. :D Can't wait to hear about the duathlon.

Nat 9:50 PM, May 24, 2009  

I pronounce Sew-goy. But I'm not sure. love love love their stuff.

RBR 12:15 PM, May 25, 2009  

The "squirrel look out" picture is a classic!

Shelley 8:07 AM, May 28, 2009  

OMG! You are freaking hilarious..that tri suit has so many possibilities..LOL

CoachLiz 10:58 PM, May 29, 2009  

It is a toss up between the ladder pic and the squirrel look out pic that had me laughing.

Sugoi was going to send me some gear as well and it has not come yet. I don't want to pester them about it, but I think it is not coming. They promised it a few months back. Oh well, I will just assume that they sent it to you and you are getting great use out of it.

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