COVID Long Run

>> Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I posted over the weekend about being in the middle of my first bout with Covid. I'm still feeling better every day, and I'm pretty much back to normal. I've had no real issues!

Yesterday, I figured I'd try my normal Monday long run. Ideally, I would have been outside, but being I was still contagious and I didn't know if Covid would make me have to stop earlier than normal, I figured the treadmill was the smart choice. So I did my first TREADMILL long run since last winter.

I did my normal workout of 2.5 miles easy, 6 miles "at pace" starting at 8.9 mph and working my way up to 10.0 mph by speeding up 0.1 mph every half mile, and then 2.5 miles easy to total around 11 miles. I didn't know if I'd last 11 miles total or 6 miles "at pace" in the middle. (I mean, not ONLY because I had Covid, but also because I hadn't done this workout on the treadmill in maybe 8 months.)

But everything felt fine on the treadmill, and I did the workout fully as planned! Here was my view as I had just finished up the faster "at pace" miles:

The flat "graph" is 9.1 to 10.0 mph for nearly 30 mins, and then
a "bump" of 2-3 mins at 10.1 mph at the end before easing up.

20 mins later with Orlando Bloom on TV. The "graph" shows the end of my
faster miles, and then some changes in speed during my cool down.

A sweaty selfie as I walked for 5 mins post-run.

Christening the treadmill for the season with "long run sweat."

I ended up going 11.2 miles in 1:17:05 (6:53 overall pace), with my middle 6 "at pace" miles descending nicely in 38:04 (6:20.67/mile pace).

Splits 6-17 were my descending "at pace" miles. (My Garmin notes my faster
splits as being short, but they were all 0.50 miles according to the treadmill)

"Idle" for a sec as I grabbed a photo of the treadmill after
finishing my hard miles, with normal looking heart rate times.

Heart rate climbing with the harder miles, topping out at 192 bpm.

I've had no more "tickles" in my throat as I wrote about over the weekend, and I just had one good nose blow after my run yesterday, but otherwise I'm back to 100%. Whew. Nice. My wife was feeling the worst on Sunday, and yesterday (Monday) she had a little brain fog as she was trying to work from home. I'm totally over worst of it (that was true on Friday for me), and hopefully my wife is now too!


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