Sweaty Lifting (Brought To You By Your Recent COVID Shot)

>> Saturday, March 27, 2021

I mentioned on Wednesday that I got my "one and done" Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine on Monday. Early Tuesday morning I couldn't sleep and was super hot. I was feeling better by the time I dropped the boys off at school, and I went to the university where I teach to see if their weight room was quiet enough get in a workout. It was.

My workout was quite normal (as I mentioned in Wednesday's post), but I noticed I was getting a bit sweatier near the end. I think that was the last of my "hot body building up its protections from the virus." Here's a sweaty selfie post-workout:

Pointing to the sweat mark on my shirt.

I did a very similar workout 2 days later, and I worked even FASTER (exactly 5 minutes faster for the same 6 sets of everything), but I didn't have any visible sweat. Truly back to normal.

Oh, and after that workout on Tuesday, my calluses were quite beat-up, and they started tearing off:



I should maybe get weight lifting gloves...


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