Weekend Canoeing/Camping Pics

>> Monday, June 19, 2017

We've been gone for 3 days to camp with my in-laws and go canoeing down the Kickapoo River in central Wisconsin. Here are 13 quick pics:

Charlie helping me set up the tent.

They've got this "camping" thing down.

Lots of frogs to be caught.

On the Kickapoo River on day 2!

Charlie liked the COLD water.

At one of our stops, we ventured across to play in the mud.

My cutie.

Wiped out from 5 hours on the river. (Oh yeah, and Charlie's got
some medical tape on his head because of this.)

Hanging out around the campfire on the evening of day 2.

The morning of day 3.

It was a pretty quiet night (after a lot of rain).

Helping with breakfast with a lot of my bro- and sis-in-laws and their spouses.

Someone (not me, REALLY) made a penis pancake (bottom) and a boob pancake (top).

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