Team Standings After 'Get in Gear'

>> Tuesday, May 10, 2016

In my "just let me bitch - I'm pretty pissed about being injured right now" post from 2 weeks ago, I noted that I was extra bummed because I was currently on top of the MDRA Grand Prix series (still early in the year though) and that my team was currently on top in the "blue division" in the USATF team series. I was extra bummed to have to stop running and not be a part of those things.

Well, the outright winner of the the most recent MDRA race (a 5K) ran it in 18:08, a time that I beat while racing with Henry in the stroller recently, so I COULD have had a perfect 1000 points added to my Grand Prix total. Dang.

But the good news here is that the YWCA Endurance Sports Team is still doing great without me! At the Get In Gear 10K a week ago, they came out on top of the "blue division" (I joke that it's like the JV division of track teams - it's something about being a "new" team I think). Here's our team's Get In Gear results:

Nice work guys!

So after the first 2 team races, we're on top in the "Open Men - Blue Division" category with 10 points, followed by the MDRA with 6, and the TC Running Company with 4. Keep it up, fellas! I HOPE to be joining you for a race or 2 by the end of the season!


Evan Roberts 10:35 AM, May 10, 2016  

The Grand Prix is just not the same without you Steve. My motivation has plummeted and my times have slowed. Get better soon so we can all run better!

SteveQ 10:54 AM, May 10, 2016  

At least 4 of that TC team are over 50 years old. You've got decades to train!

Steve Stenzel 8:07 PM, May 11, 2016  

Ha! Thanks Steve Q. And thanks Evan! Hope to be breathing down your neck again soon. :)

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