Henry Running His 2nd TC CC Run

>> Monday, May 23, 2016

Saturday was Henry's 2nd "TC Kids Cross Country Fun Run." He did it last year with his cousin Evie. This year, it was just him and Mama:

Last year's photo (from this post) with the same cheesy smile.

We heard that they had 999 pre-registered runners, and because it was such a beautiful day, they had to have topped 1,000. Charlie and I ran off to find a good spot to cheer:

Flexing for Mama before the start.

The lead kid faded and ended up 2nd. They went out HARD in the pre-school wave!

We spotted Mama and Henry!

Hi guys!

A faint line of runners on the other side of Como Park.

Mama ran ahead of Henry and grabbed a photo about 2/3s of the way through the race.

I put Charlie on my shoulders, and we ran back to watch them finish:

Fingers pointed for aerodynamic speed!

I immediately flipped my phone to the front-facing camera to take photos of Charlie
crying. He saw Mama run past and was super sad when she didn't stop to play!
(I bonded with another Dad who's daughter did the same thing next to us.)

"Wait, is Mama coming back?..."

"NO! No she's not! She's NEVER coming back!"

Last year, Henry finished around 9:00 for the half mile run. This year, he finished with a "gun time" of around 6:27, and Mama had his "chip time" being around 6:04. And he only walked once! Oh, and afterwards, Charlie was THRILLED to sit with Mama:

Having a PB&J, banana, chips, and cookie in the grass thanks to TC in Motion.

Chips and a water in the shade with the other families.

After that, we loaded into the car and drove a few hours to go visit Henry and Charlie's new cousin, baby Will. But when we first got to Mike and Brianna's house, they had to chase the chickens:

... and play on Mike's big "tractor."

Charlie LOVED baby Will!

I Instagrammed this with the caption "Charlie held baby Will for a LONG time.
If I had ovaries, they'd be weeping with joy."

Mike was a brave man letting Henry drive him around!
(Yes, Henry can't reach the pedals, but at idle, the cart goes about 2 mph.)

Wild ride video! (Direct link: youtu.be/Rk1b_8aarwE)

The day ended like this.

Here's photos from last year's TC Kids CC Run if you missed it.


Anonymous,  5:10 PM, May 24, 2016  

I just love watching your family group up. I hope that doesn't sound creepy!

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