Friday Funny 1101: College Expectations (and funny links)

>> Friday, May 20, 2016

We just had finals a few days ago. MY GRADES ARE SUBMITTED, SO LET SUMMER BREAK BEGIN! In honor of the end of the school year, here are some college expectations that didn't quite pan out:

Since it's been over a month since I've done this, here are some of my favorite posts from my tumblr page:

Athletic-Related Funnies:
This is the kind of cycling I'm doing right now.
Flow chart for when you should ride your bike.
[GIF] A volleyball player scores with her face. (No, not Scott Sterling.)
Running shoes and alcohol.
My new diet plan.
What a run can do for you.
TRYING to be healthy.
A bike rack FAIL.
Exercise leads to tacos.
Eating right.
The treadmill is a metaphor for life.
"Runner's High."

Non-Athletic Funnies:
Me, cooking.
If male superheroes dressed like female superheroes. (Also, muscles.)
A good reason for speeding.
The summer heat.
My personal motto.
A nerdy / sexy innuendo.
I've never thought about Scooby Doo this way before.
Inspiration for the new Instagram logo.
Pooh's favorite day.
Big weekend plans.

And as always, stop by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!!


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