Official Photos from Rocky's Run CC Race

>> Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Sporting Life posted an album of "Rocky's Run" photos on their Facebook page. Here are a few I'd like to share:

All the U of M CC runners ready to go.

Me on the far right, trying to keep warm.

GO!! I'm on the right, and Jeremy is just behind me in the blue.

Trying to catch some CC runners!

Goetzke tracking down a runner (he was 2nd overall in the Grand Prix series in 2012).

Jeremy in his first CC race.

The (eventual) winner rounding a corner.

The winner Daniel Docherty about to finish this 6K CC race in 20:07 (5:24 pace).

All of these people beat me.

Eric, the only Grand Prix runner who beat me at this race.
(I'm 20 seconds behind him, and you can see my black shirt and bright shorts back there.)

Working the final little hill mid-pack with a bunch of CC runners.

The finish line.

Oh, did I mention that we started and finished on a driving range?
See the "nets" in the distance? We got to run through those twice.

- CLICK HERE to see my full "Rocky's Run" 6K race report.
- And CLICK HERE to see yesterday's post about winning the 2012 Grand Prix series!


Spandex King 7:12 AM, November 08, 2012  

You guys look like a bunch of pedophiles chasing young girls, haha

Steve Stenzel 8:35 AM, November 08, 2012  

Ha! Todd, I re-checked the results, and any of the women who beat me were all "of age." So it's OK! :)

Spandex King 10:24 AM, November 08, 2012  

It was the Goetzke picture that inspired my comment...

Carolina John 12:39 PM, November 08, 2012  

Those CC runner girls in briefs are seriously hard core. It seems way to cold out there for that! insane.

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