Happy News, Fun News, Bad News

>> Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy News:
I don’t know how I managed to miss it, but Monday was “Steve in a Speedo’s” 4 year blog-o-versary!! Back in 2006, I was getting ready to race in my first triathlon: the Lifetime Fitness Olympic Triathlon in Lake Nokomis. My, how time flies!

I never thought blogging would be so much fun. I never thought I’d still be so into blogging after 4 years. (And the best one:) I NEVER thought I’d meet so many great people at different races and events because of my blog! It’s been so great (over these last 2 years especially) to head to a random race and be introduced to random people who “know me” from the internet. There isn’t a race I go to where I don’t run into a handful of people whom I NEVER would have gotten to know if it weren’t for blogging!

So thanks, Blogger! And thanks to you, my readers! Here’s to many more happy blog-o-versaries!!

Fun News:
A few days ago, the Minnesota Distance Running Association’s Magazine “RunMinnesota” came in the mail. The cover featured a photo of the first 2 runners at the 2010 MDRA Mudball:

Of course my first thought was “Shoot - I finished 3rd in that race. Didn’t QUITE make it onto the cover-shot.” But, inside the magazine, they had 4 more photos from the Mudball, and I was in one of those images!

But I looked close, and my damn pinky was sticking out again!! AARRRGGGG!! (I just pointed this out in yesterday’s post which had race photos from Liberty Tri.)

Bad News:
Liberty Triathlon was on Saturday. On Sunday morning, I woke up with a LOT of soreness on the bottom of my foot, near my heel. It wasn’t a hot-spot or blisters. It was something inside my foot. I looked to see if my foot was bruised from being in racing flats all day (I wore them for the race and then for the next few hours while cheering on Pharmie), but there was no visible bruise. I was hoping taking it easy for a few days would make it better.

I talked with Julia a few days ago, and she said to keep an eye on it. I’ve been taking it easy, icing it a few times a day, and hoping for the best. It’s really not changing yet. I've been able to pinpoint it as being a little more towards the top / outside of my foot, under my ankle (but a bit closer to my toes). I hope it’s nothing serious. I’ll keep you in the loop...


Maggs 7:15 AM, June 17, 2010  

Happy belated birthday!

krystyna47 9:28 AM, June 17, 2010  

The pinky is actually what propels you forward; I read that somewhere, probably in a really prestigious science magazine.

B. Kramer 10:11 AM, June 17, 2010  

Congrats, congrats and bummer dude. Hope the heel heals quickly. Cheers!

SKMDT 11:48 AM, June 17, 2010  

The injury sounds vaguely like what I had earlier in the year. If there's some discomfort when pushing off, but manipulation doesn't make you jump through the roof, it could be strained extensor tendons. Ice, rest, and stretching the top of the foot will heal it in a week or so.

Anne 7:47 PM, June 17, 2010  

Sorry to hear about your heal...hope it's nothing serious.

I Run for Fun 8:09 PM, June 17, 2010  

Happy anniversary! Wow! 4 years is a long time in the blogging world. Great pic, pinky and all.

Pedaling 9:37 PM, June 17, 2010  

happy (late) blogaversary.

i didn't know of you till recently, but have enjoyed reading your posts.

you rock!

my son would dig your site.

SwimBekiSwim 2:13 PM, June 18, 2010  

It almost sounds like you're describing plantar fasciitis pain...? But then you made it sound more internal than a fasciitis, so who knows! Hope it feels better soon!!

Jim Smith II 8:25 AM, June 19, 2010  

Take care Steve and get it checked out - A couple of days on the IR is better then a serious injury (but you know that).

Jim Smith II 8:25 AM, June 19, 2010  

Take care Steve and get it checked out - A couple of days on the IR is better then a serious injury (but you know that).

Anonymous,  10:14 PM, June 24, 2010  

I had the same pain earlier this year and was told by my podiatrist it was a strain of my peroneal tendon. Rest, and wearing my "magic sock" (read: tension sock on the ankle and foot) did the trick. But I still had to take about 2 weeks off from running.

All is better now though. Hope your pain goes away fast!


Anonymous,  10:21 PM, June 24, 2010  

Sounds like what I had earlier this year. My podiatrist said I had strained my peroneal tendon. Nothing that some rest and wearing of my "magic sock" didn't fix. But I still had to take almost two weeks off from running.



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