Friday Funny 96: Shaving My Entire Body

>> Friday, June 11, 2010

Call your co-workers over, turn up the volume, and get ready to be freaked out be extreme close-ups of my nipples.

Direct Link:

1:08-1:22 - It's hard to work around nipples. I didn't want to sheer one off!
2:23 - Yes, that was a Wookie.
2:28 - My cat Kermit got freaked out by all the fur. She thought it was an intruding animal.
2:33 - My wife looks WAY too happy to be helping with all of this...
3:20 - Even though I seem to be checking around my belly button pretty well for any missed hairs, I missed a BIG ONE that I noticed the next morning.
3:35-3:50 - Yes, my cat hung out and watched me do the final touch-ups on my legs. Perverted beast.

The razor that I used was never the same:

I need to do a little touch-up today, and I’ll be ready to race tomorrow! Wish Pharmie and I luck!!

Happy Friday!!


Steve Stenzel 7:42 AM, June 11, 2010  

BTW, the song is "Oh Martha" by The Battle Royale. They're a band from one of the colleges in Minneapolis where I used to teach. Catchy song, right? You can find it on iTunes. And you can find a crazy video for it on YouTube, where some of my former students make appearances.

Unknown 7:52 AM, June 11, 2010  

I just have to say that you have one hell of a wife! :)

Matt 8:04 AM, June 11, 2010  

When I woke up this morning, I didn't think my day would include 4 minutes of watching you shaving. Inexplicably though, it did.
Good luck at Liberty!

Gabriel Losa 8:11 AM, June 11, 2010  

Am I sick for considering this extremely funny?

Good luck for you and Pharmie!!!

Christopher Hawes 8:28 AM, June 11, 2010  

Good luck to both of you this weekend.
I have not watched the video yet, but I can only guess.
I basically shave it all once a week, for the last 3 years. Once you do it, you got to keep doing it.

Iron Girl Nyhus 9:02 AM, June 11, 2010  

I had to keep looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody saw me watching that!

B. Kramer 10:06 AM, June 11, 2010  

Did you leave the pits hairy? Thought I saw some underarm locks in the tub. Wouldn't that be a major source of drag? Why am I asking this?! Good luck. Cheers!

Amy 10:13 AM, June 11, 2010  

I actually think it's funny that you did ALL of that, but still have hair under your arms ...

Bootchez 10:34 AM, June 11, 2010  

I'm with Viper and Amy, WTF with the hairy pits, after all that?!? Makin' me wonder . . .

Chris Swenke 11:33 AM, June 11, 2010  

I think I got a little throw up in my mouth!
Best of luck this weekend!

Nat 11:49 AM, June 11, 2010  

I love it! Also love the help from the cat. I'll see you and Pharmie tomorrow at Liberty! I'll be the one in the boat rowing the course (sounds like heavy rains!)

Matty O 12:11 PM, June 11, 2010  

Dude, your cat is the size of a small dog! Too funny.

Good luck this weekend!

TriGirl Kate O 12:18 PM, June 11, 2010  

Ok, so the closeup of the nipples covered in shaving cream was *slightly* pornographic.

Good luck this weekend!

Chris H. 2:50 PM, June 11, 2010  

Sweet! I too am rockin' the full-body hairless these days - I'm diggin' it. See you guys soon!!

Sara Cox Landolt 2:52 PM, June 11, 2010  

The song is catchy, thanks!
And the video, nice. The cat obviously appreciates your skills.
Have a great race!!

FinnyKnits 4:36 PM, June 11, 2010  

Good luck this weekend!

I will spend it recovering from watching that video.

Which is hilarious. And the music is perfect. Go indie.

Anonymous,  6:56 PM, June 11, 2010  

Steve in a Speedo is always one click away from gagging. Good lord, fungus and shaving. I'm going to need the full week to recover.

Regina 2:02 PM, June 12, 2010  

I think the picture of the razor made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Lani 5:02 PM, June 12, 2010  

Can't wait to read the posts when it starts to grow in and itches!

Michelle 7:07 AM, June 13, 2010  

Your WIFE is a SAINT!!

Maryland Girl aka Michelle 7:21 AM, June 13, 2010  

Oh the things triathletes do. Thanks for the laugh. I hope all was good onthe race.

Soapin' Cindy 8:24 PM, June 14, 2010  

I understand why you want to shave your chest hair to promote success in your sport, but as a woman that totally digs hairy guys, it's a little sad....

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