Gear West Duathlon Video

>> Saturday, June 05, 2010

Curt Wood, one of the great employees at Gear West Bike, created a GREAT 5 minute video from the Gear West Duathlon 2 weeks ago. (He shot most of it himself, and then he edited everything together.) Turn it up and check this out:

Gear West Du from Curt Wood on Vimeo.

In the second to last shot (from 4:53-4:57), that’s me huffing and puffing in the red top just across the finish-line; that’s proof that I worked out there for the 3rd fastest overall second run! ;)

Here are other things to note in the video:

0:35 - Racing buddies Tim L and Chris H are walking in the background.
0:59-1:05 - That pan across the lead females is a “who’s who” of female rockstars in MN multisports! (Including my swimming buddy Julia in the blue top near the end!)
1:47 - I’m sure Suzie loves the 3 second shot of her butt in T1! Ha!
1:55-1:58 - Local rockstar triathlete David Thompson (DKT) rounds a corner on his bike SOOO fast! It’s amazing! He was the eventual winner of the race.
2:12 - Watch how fast DKT dismounts and runs into transition. I’m crouched down in the background of that shot taking photos of him, and then I pop up and start clapping as he runs past the car. Here was the photo that I took (and showed in my race report):

3:35 - DKT heads into the second half of the second run. It’s that part of the run that’s very “trail.” Fun stuff. (Not really.)
4:12-4:19 - The relative ease in which DKT climbs that little bastard of a hill with 300 meters left in the race made Pharmie and I gasp when we first saw it, and then roll our eyes at DKT’s skill. CRAZY! (Plus, he COULD have just walked his way across the finish-line and still won.)
4:24-4:26 - Chad Milner climbs the hill at more of a “human” pace. He’s a strong runner and placed 5th overall, and still it looks like he’s trudging up that hill.
4:44 - Cathy Yndestad crosses the line as the first female, and she makes it look SOO easy!
4:53-4:57 - As mentioned above, a nice shot of me catching my breath.
5:01 - The final shot is Julie Hull finishing in 4th and collapsing (with Matt and I standing in the distance). The best part of that last shot is the person coming over to “help” Julie: they rush over to her when she falls..... only to quickly grab the timing chip off her ankle. Ha! That’s too funny! I guess you just gotta do your job! ;)

So I MAY have a bit of a man-crush on David Thompson. I mean, if I could put any part of my body inside of any part of his body and get just a fraction of his skill, I’d totally do it. But not in a gay way.

If you missed my earlier races reports for the Gear West Duathlon, here they are: part 1, part 2, and more photos in my Examiner article.

Thanks for the GREAT video, Curt! You do good work! (Oh, I just realized this: if you’ve been a reader of my blog for at least a year, you’ll remember a fun little video from the “Splash and Dash” I did last summer. Again, it was Curt taking that video and editing it together! THANKS AGAIN, Curt!!)


Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 12:55 PM, June 05, 2010  

body parts inside of body parts...that's not gay!! You're unbelievable!

The Boring Runner 1:05 PM, June 05, 2010  

Nothing wrong with a little no-homo man crush. right right????

Jumper 2.0 1:42 PM, June 05, 2010  

You missed me Steve! I'm actually in that video with all the fast people! Obviously a mistake! Or is it? Maybe it's because I was all pathetic? Look at 4:46 - 4:52

Steve Stenzel 2:48 PM, June 05, 2010  

Jumper, are you talking about walking to the start at the 0:35 second mark? I noted that in the post - you're walking next to Chris Halloran (I don't know if you know him).

And is that you at the end? I didn't think it was...

Nat 2:49 PM, June 05, 2010  

That's because Tim has gotten so dang skinny lately he is going to blow away soon! :) Nice work guys! Oh and steve, I have a girl crush on CY but not in a gay way either...

Jumper 2.0 2:56 PM, June 05, 2010  

You know what. It's not me. I didn't look at the pants but that guy looks like me! And how I felt!

Anonymous,  5:34 PM, June 05, 2010  

Best "real-life" race shot ever. Racer at the very end of the video collapses after a hard effort. Reaction? Grab her chip while she's down!!!!

Unknown 7:25 PM, June 05, 2010  

I was hoping that everyone was looking at my hot yellow bike and not my butt:-) Great video comments and race report!

Curt Wood 7:53 PM, June 06, 2010  

HA! Steve, thanks for posting this. Absolutely hilarious video analysis. I love it!

FinnyKnits 7:10 PM, June 07, 2010  

Awesome video and report. Of course, after just finishing my first duathlon (SO FUN) I'm now seeing how the pros do it and WOW, lots to work on for me.

How is it possible to dismount the bike so gracefully? I'd snap a femur if I attempted such a thing.


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