Gear West Duathlon Photos

>> Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Here are some more photos from the Gear West Duathlon on Sunday, where Matt and I took second in the team competition (sorry the images are so small, but that’s all they gave):

At the 5K start (on the far left)

Again, on the far left

Matt on the 28K bike

Matt working a hill

“Snacky Treat”...I mean...“Matt” on the bike
(That’s for you, Missallycat!)

The lowest point in the run, along the pond

A few strides later

Up the final hill, sprinting to the finish

Grandmas Marathon Training Update: Yesterday, I HAD to try a longer run again. It’s getting to be crunch time. I thought about trying 12. Pharmie thought I needed to push it more and go something like 16-18 miles. She was right - the marathon is just over 4 weeks away, and I can’t keep putting off my long runs. So my plan was to go out 6 miles, head back to home for 12 miles, and then see if heel was doing OK and consider another few miles. Well, it was getting pretty sore by mile 10-11. At 12, it was pretty rough, but I wanted to test it - I mean, it’s really now or never when it comes to some of my longer training runs. So I got out another painful mile and a half for a total of 13.5 (in 1:33:40). The pace was where it needed to be, but the heel wasn’t quite having it. I’m pretty bummed about it.

So the plan for now is this: no running, biking, or swimming until the duathlon this Saturday (just a little strength training, some icing, some stretching, and a lot of rest). The two 5K runs during the du shouldn’t be too problematic. Then, take 3 days off, and try a long run again on Tuesday. I’ll go from there.

So check back Saturday night or Sunday morning for my Apple Duathlon race report. As I mentioned in the last post, Matt and I (Team Happy Pants) are going out there to race together, only as individuals this time (not as a team). Wish us luck!


Chad 8:41 PM, May 21, 2008  

This is me wishing you good luck. Sorry that the heal is still acting up. Hopefully it will come around soon.

Marcy 8:10 AM, May 22, 2008  

Dude, no need to point you out. How could we miss you with those sexy legs and nut hugger shorts :P

triguyjt 8:38 AM, May 22, 2008  

steve...still time to nip this heel thing in the bud before grandmas...

good luck..

Unknown 8:56 AM, May 22, 2008  

Best of luck at Apple Du and hope that heel of yours starts getting better!!!

sRod 9:01 AM, May 22, 2008  

Good luck with the races. I'm sure the heel will heal just fine!

MissAllycat 9:32 AM, May 22, 2008  

Thanks for the eye candy. :)

Fizzgig 10:15 AM, May 22, 2008  

I totally see why you sported the yellow shorts, you can find you in a sea of runners!

KodaFit 11:29 AM, May 22, 2008  

There's something to be said for the adrenaline and excitement on race day... You'll be just fine!

Kim 11:47 AM, May 22, 2008  

sweet nuthuggers steve!!! kick some butt this weekend!

brendaj 12:03 PM, May 22, 2008  

I like your flexible approach to training. And what a fun assortment of races you're doing!

Michelle 12:28 PM, May 22, 2008  

Good luck, Steve. Do you have yellow bike shorts to keep up the Super Duathlon Man look?

I really hope your heel issues come around soon.

CoachLiz 2:42 PM, May 22, 2008  

Good Luck this weekend at the Apple Du!

Brian 6:54 PM, May 22, 2008  

Maybe matt needed your new aero helmet and he would have taken some time off.

I bet those other runners see you in the shorts and can't believe you're still up with the top of the pack.

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