I Think I’ve Settled On The 5K...

>> Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weighing all the options and all of your feedback from the last post, I think I’ll try the Joe Plant Memorial 5K this Sunday at Lake Phalen. The biggest downside is not getting to meet Teacherwoman. Dang.

MissAllyCat was one of the people that voted for the 5K. She said it best when she ended with “PR that bitch!!”

Mister P made a good (but selfish) point. He told me to do the event that could lead to the most entertaining post afterwards.

Now, I HAVE to PR, otherwise I’ll feel like a total dingleberry*.

All of the local weather guys are predicting some rain/snow mix on Saturday night and Sunday morning. This would not help my case for my PR. I cannot slip and slide my way to a PR. We’ll see how this goes. Wish me luck!

* Dingleberry - noun.
1. That last little turd that just CANNOT be pinched off no matter the strength of one’s sphincter. It just hangs there, mocking its master. It will not join the other kids that have just been dropped off at the pool. “I pinched and I pinched, but I just ended up smearing that dingleberry all over my ass!”
2. A “Klingon” near “Uranus.”
3. Steve on Sunday if he doesn’t PR. “Steve finished 3 seconds slower than his PR - what a dingleberry.”


Anonymous,  1:02 PM, March 27, 2008  

No pressure...you're still smokin' fast whether you get a PR or not!!

Good luck!!

Anonymous,  2:15 PM, March 27, 2008  

I, unfortunately, will not be joining in the festivities this weekend. I'll be too busy "detoxing" (a.k.a. crying because I can't eat pizza). Good luck!

GoBigGreen 4:22 PM, March 27, 2008  

Maybe you ought to register under an * alias * that way your dignity is preserved :) Like D.Berry, male 24-9 yo...Ok..runhard and mostly have fun!

Marcy 5:17 PM, March 27, 2008  

No pressure homie! But if you fail I'm posting up a pic of you with dingleberries all over your face on my blog :P

SM 6:31 PM, March 27, 2008  

Good luck on setting the PR! Yeah I wouldn't worry to much about the pressure of setting it. Whats the worse that could happen...anyways I have faith that you will not let us down! Make sure your undies are clean and ready to go. Go Steve Go!

Mendy 7:37 PM, March 27, 2008  

Looking forward to seeing that PR! You'll do great.

Good luck!!!

ShirleyPerly 8:09 PM, March 27, 2008  

I have no doubt you will write an entertaining post either way. Good luck on the PR!

Triteacher 8:50 PM, March 27, 2008  

You always make me laugh! Good luck on the PR -- rain or shine!

RunBubbaRun 5:47 AM, March 28, 2008  

I'm sure you'll pinch that loaf right out of you this weekend..

Just had some snow/sleet here, so no sympathys from the windy city.

The Lazy Triathlete 6:34 AM, March 28, 2008  

Only you could somehow work dingleberry into an endurance post!! I love it.

Bigun 6:49 AM, March 28, 2008  

PSA - Dingleberries are not, I repeat, NOT edible and certaintly do not belong on the uposing side of a Peanut Butter sandwich. Like anyone would want a PB&D....

"Marge, where'd you put the Dingleberries?"

"They're on the second shelf next to the box of Hershey Squirts".

"Oh I got em, thanks dear"

Tri+Umph 9:39 AM, March 28, 2008  

Good luck!

Don't be a dingleberry, Steve. You really don't want to be smeared all over the races proverbial ass!

J~Mom 10:32 AM, March 28, 2008  

Go out and grab that PR. I will not have a dingleberry on my blogroll.

Of course I am kidding because you can run 2 5ks in the time I finish one and you are super speedy Steve!

Good luck and enjoy.

Kim 11:19 AM, March 28, 2008  

grab the PR by the balls.

and i pray you dont get a dingleberry or start prairie dogging while youre running.

Nancy 12:34 PM, March 28, 2008  

Well, now that is some interesting motivation. Good luck. I'm sure you will PR. :D

Jessica 8:00 PM, March 28, 2008  

get er done there speedo!

Kellye Mills 11:57 AM, March 29, 2008  

Have fun... because you're going to do awesome either way!!

Trisaratops 10:31 PM, March 29, 2008  

Have fun! Don't be a dingleberry! LOL!!!!!!!!!

Dana 1:31 PM, March 30, 2008  

You are definitely one to paint a "great mental pic" Steve..lol

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