>> Wednesday, September 05, 2007




OK, NOW I’m ready. Maybe I could get sponsored by Gillette.

If you’d like to check in on me on Sunday, you can go to The Ironman Website and find the link for “Ironman Live.” You can type in my race number and see what checkpoints I’ve passed. I’m number 386.

If you are out in WI in person and the weather is half-way decent, here’s what I hope to be wearing (so you know what to look for):
• Swim: Black Speedo Jammer, QR wetsuit, looking like 90% of everyone else out there.
• Bike: Tight, sleeveless, white Nike top, black bike shorts, my lucky beaver socks.
• Run: The same tight, sleeveless, white Nike top with grey running shorts. Maybe shirtless if it’s too warm. Maybe layers of other clothing if it’s too cold. This all may change based on the weather. Stupid weather.

I hope to post on my blog late Sunday night (more like around 1:00 am early Monday morning) letting everyone know if I’m still alive. Here’s to hoping!...


xt4 4:55 PM, September 05, 2007  

Whahoo! See you soon, buddy - have a great race!

Bigun 5:05 PM, September 05, 2007  

what did we say about shots of your nekkedness...a warning! WE NEED A WARNING! A chance to look away.

hey, we'll be watching for ya sunday and cheering you from Bigun Central in Florida! Best of luck to ya!

Wedgie 7:11 PM, September 05, 2007  

That's a pretty big towel.

psychoactive toad 8:01 PM, September 05, 2007  

Nice tub.

Good luck, I hope you have a great, low-drag race.

Trisaratops 8:24 PM, September 05, 2007  



SOOOOOOOOO excited for you guys. HAVE FUN!

Kat~ 8:44 PM, September 05, 2007  

Nuts, Never! You sound like my hubby....

Hope you & Pharmie have a super race. We will be up in Madison cheering you all in!


Marcy 9:08 PM, September 05, 2007  

You are DEFINIELY ready homie! Have fun!! I'll be cheering from over in this neck of the woods!

qcmier 9:43 PM, September 05, 2007  

That's hawt.

Don't forget your umbrella...

Born To Endure 5:55 AM, September 06, 2007  

Hairless=faster..go and have a great race..look for me under a penalty tent..woo hooo!!!!!!

Spokane Al 9:46 AM, September 06, 2007  

Between all that shaving and your lucky beaver socks how can you fail?

Good luck on Sunday!

Kim 9:54 AM, September 06, 2007  





SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) 11:48 AM, September 06, 2007  

Good luck! I will see you at sunscreen or on the course a few times.
You are ready. so just get to the startline and do it. The day just goes by.
See you Sunday!!!

Anonymous,  1:57 PM, September 06, 2007  


I realize I've randomly walked in on you in your boxers in the living room and shirtless coming down the steps...but I really didn't plan on seeing that much of you when I 'googled' your blog today. I think I'm going to go rub my eyes with some sand paper and the rinse them in some Scotchgaurd to protect them from future occurrences of your half naked/naked body.

See ya this weekend!


J~Mom 6:17 PM, September 06, 2007  

Stopping by from Marcy's to say Good luck!!! I will be cheering for you!

Unknown 7:17 PM, September 06, 2007  

Best wishes!! Go get 'em!!

Tri-Dummy 9:30 PM, September 06, 2007  


When are you gonna get here, homey?

PS. You have to wear a shirt for IM, yo.

Tri Mom 2:20 AM, September 07, 2007  

Good luck to you and Pharmie. We're in Hawaii this week, but we'll be cheering you on.

Anonymous,  7:22 AM, September 07, 2007  

Sigh. I'm assuming you make poor Pharmie take those photos?

Good luck and I'll be watching you online!

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